Seasonal event wooo

Guys I found a way to get 30 headless, just pay real life money (totally not against rules and regulations!!!)

not a trader either but i suspect some people will trade sunkens for valk helms to hoard them and artificially drive the rarity of valk helms up

Compared to headless it definitely will be, thereā€™s only around 1000 headless heads left since people from Halloween quit

I know Iā€™m going to farm the shit out of them (30 alts go)

They lost their heads and couldnā€™t find them again, too invisible

How about everyone agrees to not do the event (except me obviously). That way I get all the headless!

there is going to be a bunny tail.

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I canā€™t wait to do this event on all of my files.

bunny girl harem is real

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Iā€™m hoping you can get an Easter Valkyrie per file and not per account

The second item is the eggless egg


yeah Iā€™d like it if it was per file as well. I only have 5 active file right now, two are on my alt.

Absolutely true, itā€™ll be like the Gucci Bag Roblox event where the moment people found out the first Gucci Bag turned limited, the rest of the items plummeted while the first stayed relatively rare and expensive

This is why I only want the Bunny Ears

Eventually the items going to become decently rare, but I wonā€™t be surprised if people unfamiliar with WoM would be willing to trade seasonal for pretty cheap early on

Not as rare as a headless though

That is unless itā€™s really difficult to get

There are 5.7k people who got the headless badge
However with this Easter event Iā€™m predicting there to be around 50k people with the Easter event badge. And to be honest I wouldnā€™t doubt that certain non headless halloween seasonals will be worth more than the Easter Valkyrie initially

Ezia had like 5-10 headless, he said, before Eziaā€™s account got false banned recently.



I have no idea what happened but I gotta say Ezia does seem like the type to abuse glitches or exploits. Also dumb enough to do it on their main