Does anyone else feel that seasonals are being valued way too much in the current AO economy. I understand this is due to how many new players didn’t get to experience the world of magic. But i personally don’t see this lasting. Currently a sunken item other than sword goes for 1 seasonal which is completely absurd and should die down pretty soon.
fully agree that seasonals are being valued way too highly. There are still way more halloween seasonals than there are sunkens (excluding duped sunkens)
chests and boots still go for more than that too but they should be worth more than just 3 and 2 seasonals respectively
I agree. seasonals are being treated more valuable than they should be. they’re mainly collectibles for flexing or used as vanity but don’t have the same status as a headless, and are not as scarce as the latter item, so their value should be reduced soon enough
I also believe that many new players are hyping them up not because they like the specific design of a certain seasonal they want for drip but more so to have a seasonal and brag about it to their other new gen friends. And because of this i believe we will see halloween seasonals other than the headless return to correct value after the easter event.
Although we can hope, maybe not after the easter event, but we can speculate that they might comeback in a halloween event which would majorly devalue them (making the trading scene more reasonable.)
Yea I never got the hype around headless
To make yea it’s rare
But the main thing is it’s looks really really good and
So far NOBODY used it for looks to just trade round like the reason I bought a sunken sword is because I wanted to use it and it’s looks cool not because I wanted to trade it for items I will never use
I use one of mine for drip
Seasonals are NOT rare and should NOT be worth sunkens 1:1
I got 90 from casually playing Halloween
I refuse to trade for normal seasonals because I don’t value common shit
yea people correspond color instead of design, and with the influx of seasonals coming on easter the value’s gonna drop pretty far (but probably not that much and might rise again until the next halloween event)
What about American seasonals. I barely am seeing any posts about them.
Probably because they are viewed as less valuable due mostly to duping?
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