honestly as much as vetex and bteam dont want, they need to separate pvp and pve, there needs to be differences, im sorry but “its confusing” isnt a excuse, i swear bteam treats AO players as being braindead, yes stuff in pvp being different from pve/the rest of the game is a good way to balance AO, no, people arent the unborn idiots you think they are balance team, if they have a problem with pvp being different on a game that vetex himself wouldnt hadnt added pvp, they can cry a river, i dont care
imo, pve, which for the shake to keep this short i will refer to anything that not pvp as pve, can be better, the grind can be painful at times, best weapons are boss weapons and best armors are boss armors or sunken, i feel like the game is taking a step back on casual friendliness, such as fixing the 100% air capacity bug despite throwing away any possible good build for pvp/pve and only being good for 1 thing, and the luck nerfs, including the one where u can no longer get golden fish from luck, as the game imo isnt a grind simulator, u still need to work to get the resources and thinking that most player will just use luck 5 when its just a small potion which consists of minmaxers, its bad, it doesnt represent the actual community
and for the subject of balance team, i do have some criticism for how they work, first they have a separate balance server, and i dont get it, now sure there are stuff that we arent supposed to know, take reflexes, we had no idea of them, but in rest, why so secret, you balance a game which thousand of people, why keep it secret, imo the best they can do is to keep the secret features (till vetex makes them public) for the private balance team server, make a channel special where we can see the balance team thoughts on the change, proposals and reasoning, bring back the downvotes, upvotes and neutral and make us involved, our thoughts change almost nothing and honestly if needed even make specific topics, i swear nobody seems to complain about the self dmg of vitality, the main problem i find is ironleg jugg that mainly drove the vit changes, do you get how insane is that? u already suggested to vetex to change a whole build, at this point just make it so each magic, fs, weapon, each one haves a % of how much hp u lose, ironleg, metal, great axe both deal 5% of ur hp, lighter stuff deals %, this is easier to code, this is easier to balance, no need to change a whole build bc of 1 or maybe 2 classes
the balance team needs to stop be so out of touch (althrough sometimes they arent), secretive and actually get the community they balance for involved