Second Week of Discussion 3: PvP and PvE


Welcome to the third day of the second
Week of Discussion. Today, our discussion topic is about Arcane Odyssey and something that I know can be controversial within the community. Pvp. Whether you love it, or hate it, it’s still apart of the game and we’ll still be talking about it. I know that the forums are less PvP centric than places such as Balancecord, so I think I can predict what most of the responses will be about.

Please remember the rules while discussing, and have fun!

Some discussion ideas

  • The place of PvP in AO
  • Separating PvP and PvE
  • Balancing Pvp and PvE
  • Punishing “unfair” PvP (Level differences, Renown/Infamy differences)

we need munera 2.0 in ninbussy

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balance the game

Runescape PvP is crazy.

Maybe I’m just lucky, but I’ve never really had the issues with PVP affecting my PVE like other people say they do. Like occasionally I’ll get fucked up while I’m just chilling, but it’s never often enough where it’s ruins my experience.

i’ve got an idea.
players cant attack players who are 10-45% of their level, or cant attack players who are 40% from their bounty. (or they can attack those but wont gain anything and the killed player wont lose anything)

solution for witchhunting (aka joining some player multiple times across servers purposefully to kill them (or something))
lets say a guy(i’ll call him jeff) gets killed by another guy(i’ll call him dud).
jeff joins another server and dud follows him, jeff gets killed again.
jeff joins another server, dud tries to join him again, but is instead straight up blocked from joining any server with jeff, in every way, for 3 days.
every time dud repeats this action, the timer increases by 2 days, up until 2 months, then dud is unable to join jeff forever

or, hear me out

let us disable people joining us

good idea

That’s literally being added next update


that’s the joke

this game’s pvp could definitely be improved upon in many ways, but conceptually, it is peak

there should be more incentives for pvp / clan wars because clan wars are peak gameplay

also people who say pvp takes no skill (i’ve seen a couple of you around the forums) are just coping

I feel like most “PvE” players are more of explorers and passive goal-seekers. While a PvPer strives to beat everyone in their path, a “PvEer” enjoys the simpler things. It’s not really a fine-line between which thing you spend all day trying to beat, but rather how much you care about your strength against players.

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I love doing PVP but I think balancing for PvP affecting the entire game is the biggest blight on AO.

It’s hard to understate just how much constant stat changes for fighting styles, moves, gear, and everything else that affects combat is negatively impacting my (and many other’s) experiences. A few weeks ago I jumped on an older file - Sailor warlock - to refresh myself on its playstyle before the Empires update and it played completely differently to what it felt when I had first built it. If it was just damage, I couldn’t care less, but it didn’t even feel like the same build.

Straight up, I have lost all my motivation for buildcrafting. I can’t justify investing time in making a “meta” set if not only the stats are going to change in the next update but also the general feel of the build. The most fun I’ve had in AO was when the Dark Sea update came out and I spent a looong time getting a good Atlantean set… then it was nerfed and I did some reoptimizing… then that was nerfed too so now I say “never again”

I wish I could be excited for the entirety of the update, but I think I will ultimately log on for a few hours, mess around with the building system on the new islands, try to get the new techs/weapons/spells, and then quit until the next story update. I don’t see the point in trying to grind for a good build if the fun parts will just get balanced to misery.

Thanks for reading, see you in the game maybe.


True! I do hate the way that almost everything constantly changes per update. I’m lucky in that I run purely whatever lets me move the furthest, and even then I keep getting hit with nerfs that change how I play

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I feel like the balance changes are never that bad, besides exhaustion and the times where things get nerfed just because a staff member on a power kick got killed by something.
Usually I can find an obvious or inobvious reason why this thing needs changing.

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Rest in peace the plasma thermolock I built a week after the release, I loved melting King Calvus with a few scorching and searing hot punches.
It honestly is such a shame that any fun build has to be gut, I miss day 1 odyssey for that aspect of silliness (if PvP wasn’t a thing, all of it could have remained as is :broken_heart:). Don’t get me wrong, most builds are still fun, it’s just that they all become bland after a while.

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Such frequent mention of number 3 is a coincidence?

Uh no it’s supposed to be the second oops

It was kinda funny. Due to “3” meanings in literature and in the certain folklores.

pvp is nice when it’s consensual, fresh break from the usual 50 move inescapable combo games