Second Week of Discussion 4: The Community


Welcome to the fourth day of the second Week of Discussion. Today the topic is about the community. With the ongoing Art Competition, I think we’re at a point where there’s a lot of potential for the community to be unified and a moment for the skill and passion that so many people have to be shown off.

I’d like to see more of this in the future, along with more discussion promoted around the game and similar things to do with community interaction.

As always, rules are here and have fun.

Some ideas

  • The community as whole
  • What do you like about the community
  • What do you dislike about the community
  • Community Interaction via groups like the media/moderation/development teams
  • Future community competitions that you’d like to see

I hate it, get rid of the community :100:

vetex agries

Its mostly chill

I think most people here are pretty chill to talk with. This forum was actually where I was first introduced to the wider lore which was nice. The community has also been super helpful for helping me understanding build crafting and pvp. Also slightly warm take, pvpers aren’t so bad, I’m rarely ever bothered by them when I’m just chilling doing my thing and plenty of them actually ask me to fight before we actually duke it out.

Some people are weirdly rude when you disagree with them and will pretty quickly jump to insult you or act like you’re crazy to think that way. Even if you turn out to be wrong there’s no reason for people to be acting like that.

I’ve also seen people take either very small amounts of information or information they don’t even know if its true and make some wild assumptions. I’ve seen this from people that some may call “doomposters” and this type of thing can serve to harm people’s perception of the game over things that nobody really understands yet.

I haven’t directly interacted with the twitter account, but from what I’ve seen they’ve had some fun little posts where they’ll ask people about their favorite parts of the game, what their favorite methods of naval combat, and other such things which seems like a nice small thing to have.

Not in the balance discord, but it seems some important members do come on the forum fairly often enough to engage with people. Even if there’s a lot of disagreement between them and people on the forum it’s nice that they still engage with people’s arguments here and on the rare occasion actually do agree with people on the forum.

Art comps are always great cause that’s when I get to see the artists in the fandom put forward their best works of one of my favorite settings.

If we could get a writing comp that’d be cool, but I could see a lot of problems that could come with trying to do that.

sample size: 1

You always come this fast?

Degenerates, but not the bad kind

that’s a real quotable there, be a shame if i-

Do it, take the bait

Alright, as far as I see it:

The community is mostly fun! I don’t hang around game discussion enough, so I mostly know off of art, writing, and the off topic groups.

The community can be really nice. Some people here genuinely have helped my day get better with how they’ll respond, and others make conversations fun and lively. Thanks to this community as well, I’ve gotten my motivation to write and analyze characters again, which is something I appreciate.

Now for the bad of this community… Some people can’t control themselves. I understand its the internet, and they’ll act immature or rude, but I believe there is no excuse for spreading unkind and antagonistic behavior simply because you want to.

There’s no reason to act bad. Even less reason if you lower yourself to that level in an argument. We can be better, people.

The only thing about the community interaction I know is the twitter account, which I will look at if I’m really bored. It’s not a bad account, just not… not my thing? I don’t know, I only know about this account.

I love watching the superpower competitions, they are amazing fuel for my writing and some of the powers are creative and unique, I’d never think of them!

If I could, I’d organize a poetry “competition” that is more people just sharing poetry and little things they’ve made. Poetry is someone’s soul in written form. I don’t think it’s possible to rank a poem above another.

island competition, submit islands for ao

ngl forum gamenights could be fun, and they needn’t be related to AO at all

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The prophecized forum deepwoken session grows ever closer…

I meant stuff like Skribble but yeah that could work, one problem though my Asian backside is not gonna accomplish anything in a 200ms US Deepwoken session

Damn, we got the 4th forumnational before gta vi.

i need that rn