Second Week of Discussion 6: Build, Defend, Dominate

“Build, Defend, Dominate. That is how our Empire grows”
– John Arcane, Secret AO Owner

Today our discussion topic is on the main part of Empires… that is Building. Show your plans for fortresses, farms and all those in between. Will you defend or will you dominate in your quest for an empire.

Remember the rules… and have fun!

Discussion Ideas:

  • Building Plans
  • Categorising Builds
  • Favourite islands to build on

I will build castle very nice one

For my clan neptune we are gonna make an island packed full of farms for money making, and then once we have enough we shall choose an island and make our headquarters

it will be glorious

Not sure what Mythos is going to do for building, but I might be participating with a friend clan for this one.

alright, hear me out

a bunch of wheat farms, a food stand, and a big rustic house,



I ain’t showing my blueprints because then they’d be stolen

im in 2 clans, 1 where is pvp focused and aims to reach the LB and one thar i own with my friends, like a group chat

so i plan for that one to use it to make the most majestic buildings or the most shitpost thing

Build-wise, my plan is to take over Thorin’s Refuge and turn it into a farm fortress (no whammy).

Why Thorin's Refuge?
  • Free shipwright
    • I get to give castaways other jobs
    • I get to spend a bit less galleons
  • Strategic outpost
    • Is right next to Whispering Caverns (allows it to be defended more easily as it yields 15 infamy)
    • Is right next to Akursius Keep (fast blasted charts)
  • Actual influence on the server
    • People oftentimes sell their dark sealed chests there, I get to say who can and cannot do so
  • Small
    • Ease of combat

Before doing so though, I’ll be checking out the new islands to see if I like them better than this one.

how to get the entire server to raid your ass in 1 simple step: