Seeing as how this game's lore borrows from Greek mythology, what myths would you like to see represented?


i cant wait until the gorgons stun me to death

Not Achilles because that would be a bitch and a half to deal with

More likely but still very similar, Baldr might appear as a Son of Wotan, since Wotan literally means Odin. We could potentially see a lot of Norse gods as powerful curse users in the same way that King Arthur and Lancelot are just powerful pirates

He’d probably still be damageable normally but a cutscenes happens once his health reaches zero where he actually survives the fight, being invincible, only to get speared by Neviro who coated his weapon in mistletoe gel

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King Arthur and Lancelot are pirates…?

Yeah, the Arthurian legends got rebranded as the one shot pirates in AA. Arthur Cursebeard is King Arthur and his right hand or quartermaster was Lancelot, though he used the inferno curse instead of a sword

Ok, that last bit sounds awesome! After that, perhaps his brothers will try to seek revenge and you end up having to face Wotan himself, defeating him and unknowingly fulfilling their own Ragnarok prophecy. Or perhaps it could be a choice between killing him and changing the kingdom entirely or sparing him and leaving it as it is.

Did Vetex confirm this? What’s Camelot then? The One-Shot Pirates’ hq?

Unless there’s another King Arthur, unlikely considering King Arthur Cursebeard is a big name in AA

and the guys in the dark sea talking about King Arthur’s guy Lancelot using blue flames imply he used either inferno magic or the curse

it’d probably be the ship, that makes most sense to me. When I think of pirates I don’t really think of them having big fortified hq’s most of the time.

Medusa… Imagine finding her in the Dark Sea

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