Seen a lot of vitality stuff and i have thought of something

Seen a lot of vitality stuff and i have thought of something
effort 3.0 1 quality 3.0 1 reasonability 5.0 1

so lots of people say things about summoning npcs to fight for you and i think this would work pretty well but i don’t think the “spirit weapon” name should stay when weapons are completely unrelated to vitality

mages are zoners
berserkers are rushers
warriors are versatile
wardens are summoners!

i think it works really well because instead of spirit weapons it could be something like a rune that you imbue with your spirit and summon a familiar to fight for you and you could even give party members buffs with certain runes maybe?
healing rune could take some of your hp to heal a party member
buff rune could take some of your hp to make a party member stronger

idk man im tired i just thought i should put this on here in case anyone wants to talk about vitality and what it could be


I was the one who made the suggestions of summons as the speciality of vitality builds (I don’t remember seeing else suggesting this please let me know if you had the same idea)

I do like the referring them to ‘runes’ as you said above. Also, yes spirit weapons as far as we know are just strong weapons with drawbacks and probably won’t feel like enough to warrant a unique class. If anything it definately just sounds like a branch of weapons.

Making vitality builds as a support class also sounds really cool although they should also be able to fend for themselves at the very least.

Summons wouldn’t be good in this type of game e.e

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This is literally what I’m thinking! I think I was discussing this somewhere but making vitality a summoner class would be really cool and a good rework to vitality. Weapons with drawback are fine, but as a whole class? I don’t think the idea is big enough to do that. The drawback stat already exists anyways, and there will probably be magics, spells and techniques, and weapons that already accomplish that anyways. I think vitality should not focus on support, not even partly. Support for vitality is fine, but it should be something that you have to go out of your way for (just like a healing magic which is a lost spell on the archived list).

@Felix_Talo I think a summoner would be fine. As long as you don’t make it a braindead auto attacker it should be a fun dps class like any other. Yes, it will shake up the meta a bit and make you play differently against summoners, but that should be fine

You know this sounds really cool but I feel like it would cause a lot of lag and be hella buggy

I mean summoner would be weak imo

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You can just rebalance it though. Not really sure why you are instantly assuming that a class will be bad, you can always change the numbers.


meanwhile summoning 5 king calvus.

So my idea on this is instead of making it where vitality gives more health it reduces your dmg and increases your dmg reduction. making vitality what it should honestly be a tank build.

Summoning prometheus and undead zues has entered the chat

“Ey Poseidon, wake up! I need some help here real quick!”

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“Dude I’m literally a rock in a place where people only visit me for 20 seconds”

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can you really base an entire class around damage reduction, though? lvl 1 weapons, lvl 1 spells… post awakening, not even those. what is your plan here?

well tank builds are only focused on dmg reduction it has been done many times before by many other mmorpg’s the idea of a tank is that we are a damage sponge it could be a risk reward thing as well some games have it where the dmg you take allows you to deal more dmg so once a tank reaches low health they can deal heavy dmg but are more squishy and able to die.

With my idea it would mainly focus on giving a tank build atleast some viability right now it is a major mistake to even go knight since all knight is just a warrior reskin with less dmg and more health.

short-term viability is not the consideration in question, here. It’s bad in its current state, and anything close to its current state, including what you suggest, will still be bad.

we’re talking about how the stat could be its own thing, rather than subservient to a different stat. where are wardens in your picture of things? Just as useless.

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Well wardens would be pure tank build basically they would be completely focused on taking all the dmg for their friends they would deal little dmg until they get to awakening where they can use spirit weapons or stuff like that allowing for them to start dealing more dmg so basically until they get spirit weapons they deal very little dmg but can take a heap of hits.

So you want wardens to be useless on their own for a full one hundred and twenty levels.
Also, “taking all the dmg for their friends” is not going to happen in fucking arcane odyssey. We have a little thing called “target prioritization”, which smart people like to use.

Yh, the initial problem with vitality is that it doesn’t have anything going for it and how can we differentiate it to warrant it’s own route otherwise it’s a waste of resources. I also gave a reason why changing vitality to damage reduction wouldn’t be any better than the current system in another response.

Also the fact that the vitality build will literally be so useless for so long.

really right now vitality is almost useless and the weapon vitality hybrid has no uniqueness to it. it feels like vitality is the middle child of the stats.

correction, warriors are:

winners :sunglasses: