Selling 68 perfect balanced pies

(lf offers)

WOAH. that’s all I’m gonna say

I mean, can I get the recipe?

all 68 of them for a sunken helmet

idk is this a good trade?

no idea, but i’m a sailor warlock and i really need a lot of food

I just need recipe for the quest in ravenna that needs 400 hunger meal

any four massive fish obtained from dark sea insanity 1

py (3 characters)

1 single galleon.

so close…but so far

I’m too lazy to fish so I let my deckhands get the big fish for me to complete that cooking quest: I think collosal squid, 2 sharks, and a stingray or anglerfish

Thx bro

yw. Deckhands always seem to catch really good stuff

right bro they start catching sharks… all i catch are some goldens at best

Once a deckhand fished collosal squid

can u reply on the armored trade i posted deron?

I dont have an armored

i mean just look at the coment i left last bro i need answers

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