the title says it all, the eggs are to go.
you post a photo of them
First item in first SS is it valkyrie helm if it is 1 hour long luck 4 potion 1 lucky coin plus some exotic gems
valk is worth around 50-60k, so this offer is crap. luck pot is worth 8-13k, lucky coin mby 500, and gems are worth 300-600 each
anyway ill offer exotic scrolls for eggs, does hasty, dense or ardent for each egg sound good?
That does work for me, I’m free for a few hours so lmk when you’re available.
interested too, any sunkens you need message me on my roblox account
Hello, sry I answer that late but I was busy, this post will close soon so if offer is still valid write to me on dc (erzplay) or join me on Roblox (GROMANER)
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