As the title says I want to sell my interchange potion for a sunken sword if ur seeing this please comment if you agree to the deal and we can then communicate I am open to negotiate different prices for the sunken sword.
Im no expert but that depends on which kind of interchange you have. The common interchange potion now is not enough for a sunken sword. But the rarer impossible to make interchange brews and etc., maybe.
edit: also in one of my files, i got 3 acrimony but no sunken yet, sooo ye
So what would be the best price for a sunken sword?
i have no idea ngl maybe 200k galleons?
Are there any items youd recommend? To use to buy
no idea sry
Youd need like 6 interchange pots to get a sunken sword valuewise unless you want to try your luck in game where people usually dont know values
Well guess i gotta start grinding some chests
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