Selling dull amulets and a wizard robe and some other stuff (Smokes and Crowns)

Every price is negotiable

The wizard robe and the dull amulets :

LV60 Magenta wizard robe (strong) 750 smokes SOLD
LV60 Dull power amulet (Clean) 200 smokes SOLD
LV60 Dull power amulet (forceful) 300 smokes
LV50 Dull power amulet (Clean) 150 smokes SOLD
LV150 Dull defense amulet (Clean) (price to be discussed in dms)
LV60 Dull casting speed amulet x2 (Clean) 125 smokes
LV50 Dull casting speed amulet x6 (Clean) 110 smokes
LV60 Dull magic size amulet (keen) 175 smokes
LV50 Dull magic size amulet (nimble) 125 smokes
LV60 Dull destruction amulet (Clean) 100 smokes
LV60 Dull agility amulet x2 (Clean) 150 smokes
LV50 Dull magic speed amulet (Clean)

Other random enchanted stuff:

LV50 Orange wizard pants (keen) 400 to 500 smokes
LV50 Iron boots x2 (bursting) 150 smokes
LV50 Iron boots (keen) 150 smokes
LV50 Iron boots (hard) 300 smokes

I also have lots of poor amulets and bracelets and other random things come in DMs if you’re looking for something thats not written here. Also I’m happy to trade one of these items for a strong dull defense amulet and wizard stuff we’ll negotiate in DMs. LinkLoL2B#1911

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