Not gunna take low offers seriously, this ingredient is incredibly rare. DM pristine#1496 if you’re interested.
Updated 6/24/22: Have two more for sale. Looking primarily for seasonals.
Not gunna take low offers seriously, this ingredient is incredibly rare. DM pristine#1496 if you’re interested.
Updated 6/24/22: Have two more for sale. Looking primarily for seasonals.
What are u looking for it?
Could we see an image of it?
What do u want for it?
I’ll buy what’s your discord or user?
Two more for sale. Primarily looking for seasonals. Once again, DM pristine#1496 if interested.
u shouldve made a cauldron
man the exorbitant prices people are willing to pay just to follow the meta is absurd
Not everyone is doing it to follow the meta, some people just messed up their stat point allocation or want to try something different cause they’re bored
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