Selling off my inventory for that sweet, sweet brig

That means i mostly want galleons, but hey, trades are welcomg too.
I’m aware most of this is ass, but gotta get me more than selling to island NPCs

1x of each,
Uppercut Technique

just one legendary scale and a scorched metal shard

Gems, (Non-perfected, just in their freshly obtained state.)
2x Larimar,
1x Agate
1x Morenci
1x Malachite
and im not gonna list the rare gems because there’s too many kinds

I have a colossal squid, for the funnies, that one of my crew fished up somehow.

I have 3x lv110 power amulets, and 2 lv110 agility amulets. One defense amulet of the same level.

Oh, and i’ll sell my sanguine, too.
That’s all, i know i’m poor here but i gotta get that Brig asap
(some items removed to save for other people)

Yo I’ll take some of your gems (Lapis and Candelaria) but I get home at 6-ish… Mind if you save those for me, I promise it will be worth :+1:

I’m not in your timezone, but i’ll be up for a few more hours. Can preserve those for ya.

Thanks man

Ok I’m ready

Alright, i’m loading my ship with cargo, so if you could join me? Borer0W43053

I’d love to trade you some stuff because I know the pain that getting the brig is. But sadly I’m at like 300 ping at school rn.

Ah, no worries! I appreciate the sentiment.

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