Selling scrolls

Selling scrolls
convenience 0.0 0 fairness 0.0 0 trustworthiness 0.0 0

Pulsar x5
Uppercut x1
Axe-Slash x1
Virtuous x1
Powerful x1

Looking for galleons only.

I’ll buy the powerful scroll

How much are you looking for

Would you do both uppercuts for ~15k each?

I only have 1 left, but sure.

Will you be available tomorrow around 4:00 central time?


Tomorrow is now today, and my time table has changed to about 3 hours from now.

I should be available for the next 2-4 hours.

Great, I’m ready now.

I’m in-game now.

I am having issues joining I keep getting HTTP 400 errors

Yeah, same here. I’m getting grey screened and roblox is giving me errors

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