Selling sunkens

DISCORD: Dibse | IGN: The_elment

1x Sunken sword
2x Sunken warrior helmets
1x Sunken warrior boots (unlikely to trade)
2x Sunken iron helmets
also have a bunch of exotic scrolls to sell just hmu and we can come to an agreement

LF: Seasonals, other sunkens, bulk of dark sea essentia (may give a sunken piece if its enough essentia)

i trade you for the sunken warrior helmets?

I doubt I’d sell both at once but what are you offering?

i got a sunken staff

I’ll think about it as I have some other offers coming in too :face_with_monocle:

oooo can you let me know the offers and can you list that you have a sunken staff too since i don’t got dis and it’d help me i got most of the stuff you got too so i want to see what they may offer

Some guy is potentially offering me a bulk of essentia for the warrior helm

wuh i dont have one

no list it so i can get offers for it too i mean since i don’t use dis, it’d help me ty; also how many essentias they offering?

i cba fr i dont use the forum enuff that it would take me 30 years to give you a response

idk yet he didnt have as many as I wouldve liked but we’re negotiating

at the very least try and get ~20 essentia for helmet

im giving 2 sunken iron helmets for 1 sunken warrior helmet

I’ll pass :bangbang:

@wraithel I’m also going to pass on the sunken staff :bangbang:

kk a

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