Selling / trading acrimony [Closed]

These are good offers but I am also looking for armor pieces or scrolls, mainly looking for attack speed and power.

Your selling acrimony right?

In that case how about 80k, a powerful scrolland a brisk scroll?

wait did acri rise again?

come on man im stuck with a 49 weapon savant build i need this

Luck rework makes them way rarer

You could bank on a free stat reset next upd :man_shrugging:. Or you could let me buy this acri for 80k like i initially planned and you buy the acri from this topic: Selling Acrimony

oh okay, thanks

Sorry already did a trade I got 2 powerfuls and a brisk scroll for it

Wanna trade with me have one acrimony as well

I got a offer, perhaps would a strong sunken helmet with a perfect energy diamond and a perfect bursting agate sound good to you?

i smell big profit for me in the future then… (i say this as i have like 4-5 acrimonies across all my files)

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to whom?



I don’t need sunken iron srry

Thats way worse than what the both of us offered :sob:

did nuclearman get outbidded? no way

not even and im a trader, not an overpay machine :sob: so getting outbid isnt really that weird

I know but I was more interested in scrolls when you guys were offering galleons and sadly u didnt post the offer before I traded it😭

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