I’d prefer you post offers below here or you can just dm me.
Update- If I don’t trade this off I’m more than willing to keep these items
Ray឵឵឵ ឵឵឵#6032
I’d prefer you post offers below here or you can just dm me.
Update- If I don’t trade this off I’m more than willing to keep these items
Ray឵឵឵ ឵឵឵#6032
how about 450 cash and over 20 fish and 500 arrows for the sunken chest plate
Buying it for 1.4k crowns, i’m also trading some items for it
Clean magic size amulet (dull, 23 magic size)
Strong old dagger (level 80)
Clean grey wizard hat (level 50, 6 power)
Clean yellow valkyrie helm (level 50, 12 magic size)
Hard old sword (level 70)
3 clean defense amulets (dull, level 60, 79 defense)
Clean blue wizard pants (level 60, 6 power)
Clean brown wizard robes (level 50, 12 power)
Clean magenta valkyrie helm (level 50, 12 magic size)
Clean brown wizard hat (level 50, 6 power)
Clean red wizard hat (level 50, 6 power)
Clean orange wizard pants (level 50, 6 power)
Clean wizard robes (level 50, 12 power)
Clean black sailor’s headband (level 60, 15 destruction)
Clean power amulet (dull, level 50, 16 power)
Clean pink valkyrie helm (level 60, 15 magic size)
Clean brown wizard pants (level 50, 6 power)
Clean white valkyrie helm (17 magic size, level 70)
Clean orange valkyrie helm (15 magic size, level 60)
Golden Oscar (exotic fish)
Giant Caparari (exotic fish)
i can give you everything from the list
Discord name is: Barry#2030
A legendary fish, 3 exotic golden clownfish and 500 crowns
1.2k crowns and anything from my inv value is 8k
Thats alot of worthless items
I have an 18k inventory so…
but not real value its just inv value
Everythin I own is value
i also have 18k inv value
but its not real inv value its 1/4 cutted idk how that works
Forget that, I’ll trade sunken boots for sunken boots. Fair Trade. NeoXilver#6592
sounds legit lool.
ill give 2800 crowns and a few wizard robes
What’s your discord? You didn’t state it anywhere.
It is Ray឵឵឵ ឵឵឵#6032 thanks for the reminder
I mean i’ll trade my clean sunken boots and max crowns for the clean sunken chestplate
Check your dms from Bosso, I can give u some good stuff.
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