Selling Two Prometheus' Acrimony

Looking for high offers of common reagents and catalysts. DM pristine#1496 or offer here if you’re interested.

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sent a discord friend request, username is ltierallygrass

First one gone, open to offers on the second.

What did u get for the first one?

A Strong Sunken Sword.

Oh, ok.

and i got a sunken chest, 4 seasonals and 2 power scrolls from the 2 potions i made with it :sunglasses:

Oh… who bought that? I need to sell mine.

bro there is no way that a single little clover with a 1/200 chance is rare enough for a sunken :sob:

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ITS ONE IN 200 WAIT WHAT… are u being fr

Its not, im just abusing market instability for personal gain. Same way i got a sunken sword by sellimg egg hunt items

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from what Ive heard it’s not super hard to get but can only be found in ingredient bags

Yep, 1/800 chance from them.

well that’s a little bit rarer but still ain’t sunken tier :skull:

def not LOL people r desperate tho

they need that arcane zaza fr

two days with no acrimony

Its ingredient bags, while sunkens are just fishing.

the only valid walter white cosplay in AO is the one with 10+ interchange potions

now THAT is what a real drug dealer is.

The REAL Walter White cosplay is growing those flowers in his back yard and selling each one for sunken