Separating Armorers and Weaponsmiths

Separating Armorers and Weaponsmiths
effort 4.25 4 quality 4.5 4 reasonability 3.666666666666667 6

Proposal: Separate Armorers and Blacksmith to their respective profession

Make it so that armorers only upgrade and sell Armor.

Make it so that blacksmiths only upgrade and sell weapons and tools.

Reason to implement:

Makes it easier to identify the wide range of items in the game, from my experience I find it a bit difficult and frustrating to find specific weapon to unbind or a specific armor to upgrade.

so this change could help tackle the problem by separating them and making it easier to manage inventory.


Armorer now exclusively work with Armor, Armorers will only sell and upgrade armorer.

Blacksmith now exclusively work with tools and weapons, and will be used for unbinding weapons, or things related to tools.


Makes sense and gives armorer a purpose beyond low level armor, supplying deckhand loyalty, and occasionally finding that one piece of clothing you need that someone sold to them, as well as additionally separating weapons and armor for easier navigation, as described in the suggestion.

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There is absolutely 0 reason whatsoever to make upgrading items more tedious than it already is by forcing you to use 2 different shops to do it.

nice idea!
this would make the names fit better and make me less confused

Well I’d argue that upgrading armor and editing weapons are two significantly different things, and considering that as of right now, armorers have very little use, I personally feel like this would be beneficial.

This may split the two functions in one location into two locations with one function each, but I personally feel that someone could reach both of them with ease, considering that both are usually found within a short radius of one another, or at least in the same town.

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No man this actual makes it easier, if you have played this game long enough to have a large inventory this feature change would feel a lot more useful

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Please man
I’ve been trying to get a normal dagger for a week now (one that has my name on it)

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Instead of splitting them into separate NPCs, it would probably be better to just finally add the basic inventory filters to the Blacksmith’s GUIs.


I think Vetex has some sort of limitations on his end, which is why the upgrade bench doesn’t have the basic inventory filter yet

I’m guessing that it would be much easier to just separate them and add an external filter as a work around

To be honest the armorer as an NPC shop is kind of useless except for super early game.

Yeah, early game when I was new, I kept trying to buy stuff from blacksmith, but there wasnt a shop. And it doesnt make sense for a blacksmith to do armor, as they namely forge weapons

do you by chance play Minecraft? cuz i had it in mind while making this suggestion lol

I do like every now and then, but not very often… I probably get on a couple hours a year…

But yeah, I see what you mean

though blacksmiths in minecraft sometimes sell armor(iirc)

yeah i think your right, its spread out like Weaponsmith, toolsmith. so i thought why not seperate it like armor and weapon in AO xd

I got a better idea “improved inventory sorting” :exploding_head:

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