[SERIES][PT2] Origin of Magic

Origin Of Magic

By Eduard Clay

Since long there has been speculation around the origin of magic, where did it come from? How do we manage to utilize it? In this bookseries we will explore the theories surrounding magic. It will be divided in 3 parts, where does it come from, what is it exactly and how do we utilize it.

(DISCLAIMER: A lot of information in this document does not match up with lore, because this is written out of the standpoint of an individual during the timeline around whilst the information regarding the origin of magic has been lost to war.)

What is it exactly?

As explained in the previous release, this will also focus mainly on Mana, but will give a deep dive into the “magic sequences”. Starting off with mana.

Currently, Mana is an unknown foreign object of unknown composition and cannot be observed by any known means. Though from research we can deduce that all magicians have access to an infinite “universal” mana flow, which can be used to charge a magicians own mana.

Currently, we are still theorizing about what “universal” mana means. In a sense, it is an extremely flexible resource as it can take shape to fit any magical need. The most agreed upon theory surrounding the composition of universal mana is that it’s a substance which can copy data from other substances to then duplicate them at a rapid pace, this would explain how it can be used by any magician and why only certain magic types based off real life substances can be used. If this were to be true, mana would be a revolutionary substance as it follows a magician’s precise request. Magicians in this way could change their request (See PT1 paragraph 1) to fit their needs, and the mana would change it’s composition accordingly. If we were to replicate this behavior, it would mean certain prosperity for the human race.

Once mana has turned into the desired substance, it consists of “Magic particles”. This term refers to the final step of mana mutation.

Now let’s talk about the executable variables, or “spells”. A magician learns how to edit variables to fit their requests over time. But what variables are there? Currently we base our “spells” on 2 variables: Size and Behavior.

Size impacts both speed and damage and mana consumption. Magicians can choose to make their spells bigger for a higher chance of hitting a target, but this also results in the spell being less concentrated and less mana efficient thus dealing less damage at higher cost. On the contrary, magicians can also choose to make their spells smaller, which will improve speed, damage, and mana efficiency but make it harder to hit something at lesser cost. For these stats there are 4 types of enchantments to improve them. Magic speed, magic power, destructive power and magic size, each of these enchantments change the stats they were named after accordingly.

Behavior impacts the type of spell and quantity. There are many types of magic spells, including: Blast, explosion, ascension magic or “High jump”, beam, hover, mode and flight. The spells after ascension magic have been discovered and tested on, but can not be used yet. Here’s a summary of the effects of each magic type.

Blast: Blast attacks are smaller more precise attacks meant to deal medium damage to the target. They can be casted in high quantities, (See paragraph ) numbering up to twenty projectiles. Lower blast size but higher speeds make it an often used offensive spell.

Explosion: Explosion magic attacks, not to be confused with explosion magic, are very versatile in their use. They can be used to release high quantities of magic particles straight from the caster, or can be placed at a set target. These types of attacks are all but mana efficient, but deal high damage over a large area. This magic is often looked down upon for how it is used by a lot of magicians in a spammy way.

Ascension magic or “high jump”: This magic is more for transportation than for actual offensive use, although it can be used to limited extent as an offensive spell. Ascension magic is released through either the feet or hands to propel the caster upwards. The caster can slightly change the flight path by angling their body.

Sadly, there is not enough info on the other types of magic, they will be researched soon.

This concludes part two of the series.


Nice, would feel immersive if it was given as a tutorial book for beginner noobs in the game.