Seriously stop

Firstly @Divanochi treacherously stole my pants

And now someone literally stole MY LEGS.
This has to stop NOW.

I would do it again if I had to


So you are not culprit of my legs disappearence ?

I’m only into pants

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someone has leg fetish

Maybe they were only interested in the feet, put took the rest for good mesure

Bros got the new legless legs :scream:

Take my headlesses :moneybag:

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Sure, I’ll trade it for 3 Headless Heads since this one is unique

yeah i did that

I just checked it’s actually an item that’s doing this, my Warrior’s Boot lost they’re texture so if I nuequip them, I gain my legs back but if I re equip them my legs diappear

yeah sometimes roblox wont load a mesh, in a big game with lots of meshes like wom its not too uncommon

should fix if you rejoin

I don’t want for it to be fixed, I am the richest player alive I have the only Legless Legs in circulation

I’m not the only one with problems apparently

We should both get money since we are both disabled now

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Armless arms :scream:

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bro got legless leg

Just need Torsless Torso now

And it is the item making the buy since upon joining I have default legs before they disappear when my items load

Bodyless body confirmed in AO?!?!!?!

vore in wom

legless accessory in WoM!?!?!?! how much for it?