Server Division

in fact yes

Its story driven so yes.
PvP focused story driven games don’t work.

Trying to make a PvP focused game story driven is like trying to make a roguelike PvP game.
It’d just create an obnoxiously toxic community and drive away most people.

oops i read wrong, thot it said pvp lmfao

Fair enough, I was kinda confused for a moment since I’m about 99% sure that you’ve said before that WoM/AO is specifically not pvp focused.

smol brain moment

Why play an online game with others when you can play it alone! …Right?

Me in every multiplayer game that has the option to not do multiplayer.
Social interaction is for noobs.

bully the child

There’s a reason why it’s multiplayer. You’re supposed to interact with players and there will definitely be events where you do that.

I would be fine with this suggestion if the quests, NPCs, and the overall story were maxed out to their fullest potential (like an AAA studio game), however, that won’t happen in ROBLOX.

And if vetex does decide to implement this without changing the quests, NPCs, or story at all, then it would just be a really boring RPG game

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