Serving Vessels

Serving Vessels
effort 4.4 5 quality 4.2 5 reasonability 4.8 5


In the cooking UI, add another slot called a vessel slot and its respective items.


While cooking, there will be another slot alongside the usual 4 slots for ingredients. This slot will be for a new type of item called a vessel, which are items used to serve food, like plates and bowls. Bottles will also be included as a vessel. Plates, bowls, and bottles will all be available for sale at the food merchant for a cheap price and in fairly high quantities per stock as these cannot be returned once used in cooking.

How these items will work in cooking is depending on the the vessel used, the resulting dish may change. For example, if I put in all fruits as the ingredients, which would usually result in simmered fruit, but put a bottle as the serving vessel, the resulting dish instead would become fruit juice.

Optional: It is recommended to fill in the vessel slot with something to get out the dish you prefer, otherwise you may get a dish that you did not intend to make, or worst case scenario, you get a mistake as the result. The exception to this rule will be low ingredient cost dishes, such as bread, cooked apples, steamed mushrooms, and more as those require only 1-2 ingredients, which in that case, dont require a vessel.

Reason to add

As of right now, cooking is pretty limited. There are only so many dishes that you can create with only 4 slots available, and you don’t have the control of which dishes are placeable and which ones aren’t. With the addition of vessels, the number of dishes that can be cooked can expand, allowing cooking to be more “immersive”, but ultimately more engaging. Also, with the upcoming potion update, this may or may not allow some ingredients to be used as both a cooking ingredient and a potion ingredient.


Nothing too complex, though I personally would like to think the different types of ‘serving’ changes how long stats last in the end. Still, there should always be ‘default’ recipes like the big wooden plates we have or mushroom bowls, I don’t think these should be required to cook in the first place. If that’s the case, then yeah sure, more cooking complexity is always welcome.

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i really like this idea, but what would be the functional use of using, for example a bottle over a plate? would juice give a different buff or different amount of hunger? maybe fruits that gain flavor from being cooked give less hunger when made into a juice but fruits that lose flavor when cooked give more?

i also think that plates shouldnt be items but rather be used automatically if you dont use a vessel, seems a little harsh that itd give a mistake for cooking a few fruits without one

however bowls and cups would be fine, if you dont use a bowl you should just get simmered mushrooms or something instead of soup


im going to put 3 grapes and a cursed mushroom in a bottle and make wine

yeah, that is the intention behind creating a whole new array of dishes to create with this addition, allowing buffs a hunger values and statuses to be tweaked using the same ingredients, but with different vessels

i do agree with your point of a mistake penalty for no vessel. it was pretty overkill on my part which is why i marked that point as optional. there should be a safety recipe to fall on.

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kind of time consuming for the devs but a good feature to add more life/immersion to the game

Man, I wish I could make some juice.

oh this suggestion does that?

I really like this idea. It would bring use to many of the fruits that taste worse when cooked, as heat isn’t meant to be applied to them. The buffs you get should also be different, to give them more of a use than immersion and variety. Cooking is kind of forgotten right now, so a buff shouldn’t be op.

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