Set Bonuses and Passive Bonuses

Set Bonuses and Passive Bonuses
effort 4.722222222222222 18 quality 4.684210526315789 19 reasonability 4.25 20

ye we need more sunken warriors user pls this community doesnt has enough sunken warriors users, omg vetex just make sunken warrior set a default armor

Not sunken, also stop with the damn power bro


We need a weakness potion

Keep cooking

except for this:

Yeah no, not the biggest fan of “sets” While it would seem cool
I’m pretty sure the grind for them would be awful

think about it this way:

for a set to be useable you would need another 2 or more drops for it be useable
so do you GRIND and hope that luck gets you the drops you need (out of the massive pool of items)
or take the “basic” gear and because non-set has better stats to make up for the fact it doesn’t have a set bonus and rush to the next tier (where the set gets outclassed anyway)

why would you ever use an early/mid-game set?
as for end-game sets, it would really boring if everyone had the same 3 or 4 sets no?

sunken warrior insanity 2 builds

Yeah, I’m down for this.

Cool suggestion, hope Vetex adds this system in one way or another.

i like this, i’ts really hard to balance it out tough, like a 15% boost in damage is practicly 20 power or something like that

Man, you guys are really good at suggestions