Set Bonuses and Passive Bonuses

Set Bonuses and Passive Bonuses
effort 4.666666666666667 15 quality 4.625 16 reasonability 4.176470588235294 17

Why should we have set bonuses?

Arcane Odyssey having multiple armor sets that use the same stats while also not having any set bonuses is strange. It makes a lot of these sets pointless outside of squeezing out a few extra stats in specific builds.
While there are mentions of a ‘skill tree’, it won’t fix this issue. The only way to fix it is by making the armors more unique and different from eachother, the easiest way to do this would be adding more stats or by adding set bonuses.

Set bonuses already exist in most games where you can equip items onto your character, so why not Arcane Odyssey aswell?
Adding set bonuses greatly increases the amount of builds that can be made, currently the only difference between players is their choice of powers and the stats they choose, however most of these stats don’t get used because they are either too niche or get overshadowed by other stats.

Set Bonuses

Set Bonuses can be found on most (but not all) armor sets. Armors that do not have a set bonus get stronger stats as compensation.
To activate a set bonus, you need to wear atleast two pieces from the set. Wearing more pieces from that set makes the bonus stronger.

Certain sets can use two versions of the same armor piece for the same set bonus or might have a different bonus if another version of the same piece is worn. (e.g, the basic metal helmet and it’s variants give different bonuses depending on which helmet you wear.)

For sets with multiple bonuses, a default bonus is used if you aren’t wearing a piece that has multiple versions.
Magic and Strength items do not change bonuses based on the imbued magic/style, they’d always use the same bonus.

The name of the set bonus is the same as the armor set’s name or the title of the character you obtain it from (e.g the Fallen King set’s would be “Ravenna’s Fallen King”), except when using an alternative set bonus. (Wearing full titanium with the basic titanium helmet gives you a bonus named “Titanium Armor”, but swapping the helmet to the gladiator helmet gives you a bonus named “Titanium Gladiator”.

ignore the title, i was halfway into making the second example when i realized that giving each bonus a unique name was a bad idea lol

Formula for Set Bonus Scaling

a ± b * (c - 1)

a = A base amount for the perk, this is used to make the initial perk stronger or weaker. This can be removed if the perk’s stats should scale linearly.
b = Perk stats.
c = Amount of pieces equipped, gets subtracted by 1 so that the bonus is only activate when you wear two pieces or more.

7.5% + 7.5% * (2 - 1) = 15%

The perks that set bonuses give can vary from giving simple stat buffs, to changing or adding new mechanics.
Some of these perks will only affect certain things, such as specific weapon types, magics, fighting styles, spirit weapons, spells/techniques, moves with specific settings (such as casting style), ect.
Most perks have unique visuals, to indicate that they have procced or just as flavor.

The complexity of set bonuses depends on their rarity and placement in the game, armor sets that can be found early on, such as in the bronze, are a lot simpler compared to a level 600 end-game set only found in the dark sea.
Current armors will not give very complicated perks, since we’re still pretty early into the game.
Some very early armors will give bonuses that are super niche, but are meant to help new players through the early game.
Some sets will re-use perks from other sets, but may add new effects.

Passive Bonuses

Passive Bonuses are given by items that do not belong to any set. Since items with passive bonuses are significantly rarer, their perks would be more complex compared to armor sets found at a similar point in the game. (Due to there being less of them)

You can also find bonuses on certain enchants, jewels and even modifiers. There would likely be very few of these, but I’m including this here just incase.
These would use a scaling formula similar to set bonuses.

A few ideas for bonuses

These are mostly random ideas I came up with.

Regular Sets

Regular sets have more basic set bonuses compared to other armors.

Iron/Steel/Titanium Armor with Basic helmet (or no helmet)
Being close to an enemy slightly reduces the damage you take, but increases it otherwise.

Iron/Steel/Titanium Armor with Gladiatior helmet
Being close to an enemy slightly increases your attack damage, but reduces it otherwise.

Iron/Steel/Titanium Armor with Bucket helmet
Being close to an enemy slightly increases attack damage and damage reduction, but reduces it otherwise. (Combines the effects of the two sets above, but makes them weaker).

Ravenna Ensign
Increases blocking power after blocking for a few seconds.

Ravenna ensign with Legionnare helmet
Increases blocking power after blocking for a few seconds. Your next attack is stronger after blocking.

Ravenna Centurion
Increases blocking power after blocking for a few seconds. Your next attack is stronger after blocking. Blocking an attack deals knockback to nearby enemies, knockback is increased on parry and if your blocking power was increased.

Frost Brigand
Take less damage when in freezing temperatures or at a high altitude.
(Activates whenever you’re in an area that’s considered cold or high up, such as Frostmill or the Bronze Sea Sky.)

Bracelets (Passive Bonuses)

Vermillion Bracelet
Being under 50% health increases your attack damage and size.

Arcanium Bracelet
Spells that use your left arm to cast deal slightly more damage and have stronger properties, but they also cost more energy and take longer to cast.

Boss Sets

Captain Maria
Greatly increases your defense while casting an ultimate art, charging ultimate arts increases your defense further but also drains more energy.

Ravenna’s Fallen King
Briefly charging any move causes it to create an additional Aether Magic Explosion on impact after a short delay, dealing a small portion of the original attack’s damage. (The size of these explosions is also based on the impact size of the move.)

Ravenna Noble
Attacking immediately after dashing increases your damage and speed. (Has a cooldown so you can’t spam ground dashes for an unlimited damage and speed buff.)

Dark Sea Sets

Dark Sea Sets are a lot more complex compared to their regular sea counterparts, their effects are also stronger while inside the Dark Sea.

Parrying nullifies damage, destroys nearby projectiles and restores missing health. Goes on cooldown after parrying, cooldown is shorter in the Dark Sea.

Dark Bronze
Being near an enemy slightly increases your attack damage and damage reduction, otherwise both are decreased and you gain increased projectile speed instead. Blocking for a few seconds increases your blocking power, this is faster if you are near an enemy. If you block at full blocking power or parry the attack, your next attack is stronger and has greatly amplified knockback.
These effects are even stronger in the Dark Sea.

Status effects, insanity and weather don’t blind you as much. You take less damage from enemies suffering from insanity or blinding effects (insanity-related effect is nullified if you wear anything with the insanity stat, blinding thing is much weaker on players) or while in the dark sea.

PVE sets

Certain sets only affect PVE-related activities.

Fancy Suit
Increases the galleons you gain. (except when selling items, trading or using the marketplace)

Silver Suit
Increases the galleons you gain, especially from treasure chests, sealed chests and buried treasure.

You may occasionally get a second fruit, mushroom or seasoning while collecting them.

Hook fish faster.

Diving Helmet
Greatly increased air time.


While I have seen some other similar suggestions, they mostly try to limit which armors can have set bonuses or try to introduce a new mechanic entirely to coincide with them. I’ve always felt like the build variety within Arcane Odyssey has been limited and new sets sharing stats with old ones hasn’t helped.
I’ll likely be doing another suggestion related to armors, mainly adding a few new stats to increase variety and also bringing light on some sets that are neglected (i’m looking at you, atlantean set).


accidentally hit send, lemme reformat some stuff rq

Whoah that’s pretty cool


actually really cool, i want this to be added (pilgrammed odyssey real)

i was thinking about smth like this but i think the way you implemented it was much better than what i would’ve concieved
good job A+

I think it’d be funny if vatrachos had a berserker set bonus that increased the wearer’s damage the lower their HP is. Although a funny thing you could do is use vermillion bracelet with vatrachos if the bonus is big enough to offset the lower stats in one slot.

im disappointed titanium set doesn’t summon shards upon attack proc

I love the idea but i would prefer if it wasn’t in every single set, probably it should be more focused on boss drops, dark sea and specific accessories to increase their use

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yes please

please vetex ts is actually peak :sob:

This is just like the uh pilgrammed armor passive yes

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this is a great idea props to you brev

what about treasure sets? (diplomat, sunken)
my idea for sunkens is something along the lines of ‘every x hits inflicts soaked, with a cooldown of 0.y seconds between each x AND the ‘counter’’

anyway yes pls

This would really help make each set feel varied and unique, very cool :]

This is a REALLY creative idea that I see no reason why not to add. The arcanium bracelet and its example is perfect, thank youu

no thanks

welcome back rb1

i could agree with this only if arcmancer set gives you more power (i got bored of 185 power)