Setting foot in the art category for the first time…

Happy face!

Determined face!

I’m just leaving those all there because if this is in the art category then there better be art in it. That’s all of my wind mage, Corrina Anchor. She used to use magma magic in World of magic, but I swapped to wind since I felt it fit the energetic demeanor I wanted her to be associated with.

An image of her:
The yellow drawings were of an older look for her. I changed it though, since the base clothing is darker in AO and it made the yellow shirt not match with the bright yellow fedora. Even if it’s a slog he color difference it bothers me.

Yes, I know she’s wearing glasses in that image. I just can’t draw said glasses for the love of me.


Seriously, thanks for this! I can’t really find that many talents in myself right now, so I try drawing, I try writing stories (I’ve made four or so about Vega anchor), I try a lot of things trying to see if one of them snaps. Hopefully, this is it and this inspires me further.

Also, I draw things on Sundays. I’ll try posting here at the end of every week. Sundays are just nice to draw, if you can get me?


Looking forward to see what kind of art do you have in store, and two of your Vega Anchor stories are pretty nice (the “Iron Leg” and “Eternal Mines with Tora” story) :slightly_smiling_face::+1:

Congrats on making it to the art category!

Awesome art :heart:

first art post yoo :tada:

Congratulation on getting art role!
hope you enjoyed making AO stuff

Yeah, I enjoy drawing quite a bit.

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