Shadow is the most overlook, easy to play, magic that req no skill

Ye i havent finished it yet, just wondering what i should put my stat points in as i progress

never cook again

it’s literally one of the best magics, .975x damage with no speed downside is insane. It also has great synergies, (burning, bleed, charred, etc) and has a blind. Next update it is getting a size nerf but it’s blind and imbue damage is getting buffed in return.

that’s exactly why I said its one of the most overlooked and underrated.
You barely ever see anyone using it!

also you’re half a year late to the discussion.

I may be slow, but I will never pass up an opportunity to gloat about sand.


wth how were you so fast

? lightning and water mage here bro :smirk:

yo that’s my main (but I’m prob gonna reset it to lightning conj)

cool! I was thinking about that too, but I like running mage

sent you a friend request. lightning magic users unite!

heck yeah

my user: DeronChepem

I got it, but won’t be able to do anything rn cuz I’m away from home



bruh “I love sand.” What a statement.

lightning speed compared to sand be like

Now compare damage

where is the magic stat spreadsheet