alr lets think of two people with no lag, no desync and on the same skill level, shadow wins every single time, it deals a lot of dmg, 200+ dmg per second seriously what the fuck, its always a blast + beam spam, and maybe a snare or explosion but that all, u dont have to invest as much AoE or dmg bc u already 10 shot even tanks, every single time there is a shadow user that uses common sense, they always win, ive never saw a shadow user fighting someone on their skill level and losing, oh and remember, lag and desyinc exist, it seems like u dodge but nope u didn’t i saw so many people (including me) parrying most of the time or going into a parry strike.
and dont let me to start on shadow conj cassually doing almost 300 dmg at the same hp as me (1.4K almost 1.5K) and then they think they are so ultra god gamers when in reality, they are in their mother laptop mindlessing spaming abilities
u forgot about the fact that they can move, its still not a excuse to deal so much dmg with so little effort, and to also add, not everyone is a mage or uses magic
it’s still a non-solid energy based magic, so most fighting styles / weapons will win a clash
shadow is good if it’s the only magic you have, since it does good dmg with okay speed.
if you want to use more than 1 magic (most magic based builds) you will want to use a different magic because shadow only has negative interactions.
shadow has 0.95 dmg scaling, 1.15 size and 1.2 speed.
wood has 0.95 dmg scaling + bleed when an attack does more than 5% dmg, 1.2 size and 0.8 speed. it has decent clashing rates as well
water has 0.925 dmg scaling + soaked ( an actually good status effect), 1.2 size and 1 speed. It also gains a boost in aoe when exploding underwater, and it can clear most heat based status effects by just charging.
shadow is basically average when you compare it to some other, generally overlooked magics. all of these magics can do a very good amount of damage if used well.
also shadow gets points deducted for having a bad shockwave explosion effect
shadow still deals a ton of dmg, every extreme good mage that i saw uses shadows, and even people that arent that great use shadow due to it high dmg and easy to play
shadow conj get more size and speed making hiting stuff a lot more easier, stuff such as musket become easier to hit and u gain a decent amount of speed, shadow is S tier for a reason, while wood is also hella annoying, is atleast more fair than shadow
i mean i have some free time, and i still play other games like hk or scp:sl, or even speedruning a game, ive spent months farming for that event so rn im pretty rusty at pvp and i dont like that
They still need to actually hit their abilities for their stats to matter. The 1.15x size and 1.2x speed helps a lot but it won’t aim for them in the air.
i didnt know people used sand i thought it was a meme vetex added. (watch it get boosted and be crazy strong stupid good blinding and slowing you down)