Shadow Paladin or Ice Warlock

Ice Warlock or Shadow Paladin (Full Release)

  • Shadow Paladin
  • Ice Warlock
0 voters

Basically I’m torn for which one I should use at the full release update decide for me :3

Explosion vanishing warlock

Shadow Paladin because Ice Warlock is too much of a slavic build if this was the European middle ages and Europe was instead named/called Meta.

I think I’m gonna compromise with shadow warlock with vanishing fighting style

Please… don’t fall into the conspiracy of shadow…

But vanishing plus shadow is cool plus it’s not gonna be a meta mage or anything

Shadow is simply unjust. Anything but shadow

But I wanna use the new fs and have it look good or work well so ig maybe plasma powder fist or fire powder fist

oh nah not another shadow user

If it’s that big of a deal I’ll go like ash vanishing fist or ash powder fist

you better
shadow is the sin of AO magics

Don’t discriminate based on magic, discriminate based on one’s enslavement to the meta!!
We need at least ONE person with the Vanishing Shadow build.