Shadow - Representing Fate

paper and ink tomorrow :3c


god damn it archibald turn on the lights
you know playing WoM with the lights off is bad for your eyes

Okay, Fate is WAYYYYY better than Despair. Smooth moves.


thank you :pray: :pray:

I believe it means fate as fate is shrouded in darkness and is hard to see into and it is what it is, darkness.

I WANT MORE LIKES. :sob: This hurts so much to not be able to like it.

Fate was such a surprise but also really really good. I think Concistedz has a point.

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this feels so edgy and yet cool at same time


Fun fact: every shadow wizard are edge lords

as an edgelord, i agree with this

Seriously, most Shadow wizards such as me wear all black outfits.

I can relate to wearing all black as a shadow magic user.

[galaxy brain] this is so thoughtful!!! making me think as well…(uh oh)

Fate is appropriate for shadow in so many ways. A person’s shadow grows with and follows a person. The presence of a shadow suggests there must be a light source; but its shape and depth also bends in accordance with that original source of light. Likewise fate is tied to a person, often assigning power to forces beyond their immediate control. To some extent, people are caught not only in their own shadows, as these merge and blend into those of others, creating even larger shadows which permeate lives, societies. A world of shadows and inherited destinies can feel as if suffocated in darkness. However, a shadow could never exist in darkness. Fate is not a monolith.

Plato, an ancient Greek philosopher, wrote in The Republic of people who were enthralled by dancing shadows inside a cave with a fire. They begin to see the fire-cast shadows as representative of reality, rather than the silhouetted abstractions that they are. The fire is the only source of light that they have, but they do not know this or that the outside world is bathed in celestial light. Only by being shown the fire and the outside light do the cave dwellers come to realize their assumptions of the world were incomplete. The cave dwellers accepted their fates in the shadows on the wall, until the moment they brought themselves to find their own shadows and where it led them: to the fire, then away towards the unknown light at the cave’s mouth.

So what is fate? If Light is a representation of Hope, of knowledge and potential actualization, then fate(s) must be like the dancing shadow(s) in that dark cave, not telling you the truth directly but rather, calling you to take a hard look at the lights around you. Fate is not a statement of reality. Fate is a call to action, of subverting truths are that taken for granted and to discern what is worth being tied to.

What is your Shadow tied to? Is it tied to one or many? Where does yours meet with another?


Oh wow, that was pretty in depth. The first half I understood, but the second half is what I didn’t expect. A shadow will always be connected to you by means of something you will never be able to feel. :clap::clap: I applaud you


I like how light is hope and shadow is fate. It sorta tells a story of good and bad. As those who are good believe that things can get better why those who are bad are stuck in position where they believe there fate is to be evil. Anyway awesome art and keep it up