Shadow's effect shouldn't just be a colorblind filter

what is it? if you mind telling me

I can’t remember much, but when light and dark clashes, the visual effect is black lightning and possibly light emitting from the impact.

I never saw that to be honest. But that’s some details I mentioned, what’s your opinion on shadow darkening vision? Should light be buffed to still make it viable after said change?

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Holy, equinox effect

I will mention that being the case, thanks for that

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If it were to blind the corners of the screen, it would have a bit more uses. But isn’t it possible to give it a slower vision darkening effect? (Make it slower than light’s blinding so that Light is still better at hindering vision)

I guess it does need a better status effect.
I do think that adding the inked effect to drained could work.

thanks for sharing your opinion

I don’t know if you know or not but light’s blinding is already shit, making another one but worse won’t help Light’s case. There’s nothing inherently wrong with giving shadow blinding but that would literally make light completely irrelevant in every single scenario conceivable.

so if this ever gets added it would be difficult to balance since light may become incredibly useless in almost every single scenario…

Imma pull a sneaky and get my thoughts in here just before this suggestion closes.

Personally, I feel like shadow was intended to be a sort of “neutral” magic. From a stats perspective, you would pick shadow because it is the magic that doesn’t heavily advantage or disadvantage your attacks (due to it’s pretty even spread). Because of that shadow is a pretty straightforward magic. It’s suitable for a lot of playstyles, so I think that makes it a good beginner magic.

The “drained” effect is almost entirely cosmetic because shadow doesn’t need any special effects to make it worth picking. It’s already a pretty good magic. I think having shadow blind similar to light would go against it’s “neutral” and “straightforward” design. Besides, that sounds like it would be more suitable for the lost magic, Darkness magic, to have.

If anything, this post makes me feel like light needs another damage buff :fr:

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Hmmm… idea of being a neutral magic with only a couple disadvantages sounds like that’s what Shadow was meant to be. Thanks for sharing your opinion.

I dunno if “straightforward” is the word I’d use. I’d opt for “boring”.

It’s ok for some magics to be more gimmicky than others, but I think shadow is exceptional in how uninteresting it is. A good comparison is wind - slightly different stat spread (still S tier), but wind also has a knockback effect, removes clouds and can clear a wide variety of status effects (including the exclusive ability to clear poison).
None of these make the magic S tier, or even particularly good. Wind, like shadow, is a magic entirely carried by its stats, but unlike shadow it also manages to be one of the most unique magics in the game.

Changes like this suggestion are like wind’s knockback effect. They’re not a balance change, they’re just adding flavour to a magic that severely lacks it right now.

also I’m gonna extend the thread by a few hours in case people still want to discuss it

I doubt we have more discussions to do but as you wish, extra time is welcome.

Regarding this, yes, it’s rather ‘‘uninteresting’’ except for it’s statistics. Yes, this is not a balance change, it’s just an extra gimmick, like Wind’s knockback, which doesn’t affect stats.

thanks for sharing your opinion

Fair enough. Gave this post a vote :+1:

Wind’s gimmick does effect viability though and wind isn’t entirely carried by its damage/speed stats, it also has the 3rd most status status clears in the game and also clears poison unlike anything else. I’d prefer to leave it as is planned to just darken the borders of people’s screen.

Understandable. Shadow doesn’t clear any effects afaik.

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