Shame and insult anyone who participated in this post

ur username is named after the word “anime” but if the e was replaced with an a

im dead from that

anyways you playing osu in 2024
that game DIED

Meh I just don’t like the artists like I said, and I hate getting the oversaturated responses everytime I post an actual art post on the art category so I just keep them contained inside my secret thread where only people that bother to look can find them

No personal hate to any artist but ya’ll are annoying people as a community

skill issue

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@Anima Run ones in Sword Fight on the Heights kid.

(look at the title of the thread :mariomug: )

Rb1 caught yet again

I think people just call other people kids when they’re angry :skull_and_crossbones:

Rb1 alt is cooked


Bear caught yet again.

Garlic is mediocre at best

Heat sucks, I overheat at 20 degrees celcius. Anyone who likes sunbathing is 101% a masochist.

Imagine using Celsius (WTF IS A KILOMETER!!!)

Imagine being american bróh.

I speak americanese not whatever bróh is


Cryonical rip-off

He does(n’t) know

He’s my brother

@Flayire degenerate

ik but I suck at insults


Dark souls ripoff