Share a change you want for the game you know won't be popular

this could be a cool mechanic for an ancient fighting style, magic, artisan weapon etc

poise and athletics are gonna suffer so much from accretion or diminishing returns, three possibilities:

  1. the stats scale well and level 1000 pure builds can block basically everything (since blocking is percentage based) and leap across ravenna in a single dash
  2. the stats scale badly and a level 1000 pure build is like, +50% movement speed or +15% blocking power with nothing good like damage or lost spells
  3. the stats have diminishing returns and the meta is to ALWAYS take them as hybrid builds because of how geometric series where the ratio is less than one or logarithms work. aka pure builds get hit so hard by diminishing returns that it’s not worth it

stat systems are REALLY hard to get right in games unless you have the goal of “some stat builds are gonna suck lol”

Single Player mode. Character made in SP cannot be transferred into MP and vice versa. All rng related loot should be minimized in this mode and the player is allowed to experience the story on their own pace. Bonus points if all the WOM stuff gets readded in this mode for maximum immersion.

I know this will ruin the replayability of the game as the only source of it is in PVP but I can argue that single player can serve as a good playing field for non-pvp repeatable actions(and if the loop is good or not)

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They could be their own separate stat allocation, maybe like acquired stats vs innate stats

Okay, so, I knew this argument would come up, here’s how the allocation would work.

At every level, there’s a certain “baseline” for the player. This baseline determines how far any one star’s effects could go in a direction. At most, the player’s stats can allow them to go +/- 75% of the baseline. Meaning that the player cannot just put all points into one stat, as there’d be a point where, due to the baseline, it not only provides diminished returns—it provides no returns.

As for blocking, the block bonus given by poise would use an algorithm a bit like Minecraft’s armor: the more damage the attack deals, the less percentage poise blocks. Most median attacks at the player’s level would deal considerably reduced damage, but if the player tries tanking something too powerful for their poise, they don’t block nearly as much of the damage.

Also, there wouldn’t be such a thing as a “pure build” in this. The idea is to have the player have to invest at least a little bit in most stats. How much they invest depends on how they want to play. For instance, if the player mainly wants to be avoiding damage, they should invest in athletics, not poise. If they prefer to have a wide arsenal of abilities, they’ll need some Wisdom. The player basically chooses how they want to play through their stat allocation. And even players with similar styles will have at least somewhat different stats, meaning most PVP fights will be unique.

the problem with that is that you need to be careful to not give poise builds unintended gimmicks. this system will make barrage attacks kinda worthless. there are plans for “spam” spells that fire 80 homing projectiles with horrendous damage meant for chip playstyles

Make crystals, when shattered by iron leg be half as effective. Even if imbuement synergies already got halved effectiveness, I still want crystal leg to be halved again.

Iris being canonically aroace

Church of Iris would be in ruins (not that that would actually care)

Make all stats scale significantly less, mainly HP and damage. Make base attack sizes a lot bigger and reduce the effect of attack size gear.

Rework the combat to be more deliberate, with more moves having heavy endlag. Dodges inside of combat now have the user move even faster, but they slow down on impact with the ground. M1s have a startup but more damage. The player now only pauses for a moment in the air, and only on their first move while airborn.

Give each magic a few moves of its own. Not completely unique to one magic, but not shared by all. Also, while we’re at it, remove wood, nobody uses it.

weapon/fighting style m1s should stun, so they can be used in combos. M1’s would be weakened to like 20 power, and the final hit of the combo would knockback

funny thing about this is npc m1’s actually DO cause you to get stunned briefly.

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Cargo you buy with money, is guaranteed to be payed back 100%, so long as you don’t lose it in combat. That means having the game crash won’t let a player like me lose 12k gallons, just cause I wanted to test the amount of cargo a ketch could fit (241)

just toss this in suggestions

make it the aa style magic shield but enhanced

or make it like… a sphere. ( like super smash bros. )

an entire rework of silverhold.

instead of two floors with easy ass npc and miniboss, silverhold would become some sort of a grand castle with 4 floors and two floors basement, with first floor starting with easy and low level npcs, to third floors where powerful lieutenants/majors guard the hallway with a commander replacing commodore kai as the miniboss.

commodore kai would instead be an actual (harder) boss staying on fourth floors with very big arena (his office).

first floor basement would just be faculty area (cosmetic) and the lowest basement would house the jail cells guarded with adequate level npcs.

maybe also have a supervisor type miniboss on each floor, so we have overleveled captain in the first floor, overleveled lieutenant as the second floor, a commander as the third floor and the final boss (commodore kai) as the fourth floor

idk it’s just really cool


add strip clubs to ao
and yes you can perform inside too

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a ‘survival’ mode on a clan/story where NPC enemies will attack your boat/island clan and you have to defend it with your offensive capabilities, the enemies wont attack you, but will attack the center/boat, a sort of tower defense but then AO, there could be along with the ‘normal’ mode an ‘infinite’ mode

i have 2 versions of this

it could be a clan thing with the island ‘flag’ being the target and clan members defending from all sides
it could be a single player thing with your ship being the target, your canons as ‘stationary defense’ and you defend, the quartermaster(s), deckhands and crew can also join in the battle, including familiar NPC’s such as Iris, Morden and the white haired depressed dude (i forgot his name, something that starts with an N)

its not going to be added since clan-related suggestions are banned
dynamic NPC suggestions are banned
request for a change in the storyline is also banned since it has already been planned out (there could be an exception, but i doubt it)


david’s vision for roblox (cough cough ) “experiences for older audiences” (cough cough )

( we just want some good quality games not this! )

( though allowing alcohol to be added in games would make it so you can have a functioning tavern with adding kiddie-bul on the god damn menu )


Have ship friendly fire always on where your attacks damage your ship, this would encourage a less “nuke everything” playstyle when boarding (unless you park the ship far away ofc)

gta 4 had strip clubs
that’s a good game