Share a change you want for the game you know won't be popular

oh cool i still have a stat reset waiting to be used.

if you reset stats it resets your awakening, put it back into a build with a second magic and you’ll be able to choose it again

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To help prevent airstalling make it so everything you use in the air makes you slowly fall down at a steady, non-accelerating pace like bullet time in games (happens in startup and endlag).

I have put 0 thought into this but just saw TOTK bullet time and imagined it in AO


Coolness factor, way more fun. This one’s legitimately good.

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I just want them to stop nerfing my speed build because some airstalling warlords are abusing stuff :frpensive:

Light is fine where it is it has its unique synergy but shadow and light should synergize

unhinged TAITC moment

Least unhinged TAITC moment*

Some kind of way of stopping people from boarding you after you ram or sink them.

I don’t wanna deal with your meta mage ass bro I just like ship Vs ship

Honestly, the thing that annoys me most about pvping at sea on a ship is how freaking difficult it is not to fall in the water while also not dying at all. It just sucks. But when frigates come out, perhaps it won’t be as painful.

Personally, I think that when a player’s ship sinks, they should receive a disadvantage to make combat a bit harder. Kinda dumb to just sink someone through skill and then immediately get bodied by their metamage build.

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You’d think the disadvantage is that their ship sinks into the water, leaving less room for them to dodge and pvp.

Having less room is a disadvantage for some, but some mages can beat other builds in DPS, berserkers thrive in close quarters, etc. so no, sinking their ship may or may not benefit you.

Exactly what I’m saying

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