Share details about your original characters


  • Lore
  • Age
  • Height
  • Personality
  • Appearence
  • Facts
  • Abilities

And other stuff you got in mind

Oh boyā€¦

Where to even start?

Do you want AO stuff or like completely original creations?

Well after all it is off topic
Completely Original creations instead of just AO ones

I got 3, pick one based off of these cryptic emojis

:fire: :imp:
:cat: :question:
:robot: :cloud_with_lightning_and_rain:

An edgy flame guy
curious killed the cat
cyborg water proof

damn, you ruthless. :skull:

the last guess was actually pretty accurate

Man why do I always get so nervous about sharing them


face reveal

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I mean most of my OCā€™s are my AO characters just in a different universe

lol same

so nobody gonna share?

I havenā€™t finished writing down all my characterā€™s (Iā€™ve gotten quite alot of information about them but only recently decided to actually put anything into words) details but basically the only one I have a decent amount of information to share is Akos Frost

Akos Frost

Wombo dream generated image:

Akos Frost (Born 1st February 1001 (Chronological Era 5001F)
17 Years old.

Title: Akos Frost, Prince of the Impexis Regnum and Voice of Randomness, Function.
(Before you ask no Randomness isnā€™t just myself, itā€™s instead the literal concept of randomness, other beings such as this include Motion (The concept of movement) Gravity (The concept of gravity) Heat, etc.)
Species: Demigod (Frigus Cutis)

A (bad) description:
Akos Frost is a proud individual and the Prince of the Impexis Regnum. They have pale skin as many Frigus Cutis do.

One eye is a cold, ice blue, the other is a chaotic mix of purple, black and navy blue swirls, shattering out from the pupil. This eye was gained after fusing with the Shard of Randomness, Function.

They have hair of a pure white, messy. Their hands shimmer due to the magic inside their veins.

They wear a silver crown adorned with gemstones upon their head.

They wear a black cloak and a white scarf to keep them warm in the harsh conditions of the Frostlands.

(Father) Ledus Frost

(Mother) Carina Frost

Personality: Pretty nice guy but became a bit of an edgelord when becoming an important demigod. I need to work on the actual description of this.



As the successor to the throne of the Impexis Regnum, they have control of magic as blessed by Auctoritas, Deity. They can use their magic to manipulate powerful and cold ice.

Demigod Abilities

As the Demigod of Randomness, Function - Akos can manipulate many chaotic abilities of different types, mainly being able to shatter and break materials into pieces, they also have a naturally eternal life and improved physical and mental capabilities.

Akos uses a thin sword with a clear gemstone in its hilt.

I guess Iā€™ll share Typ since heā€™s the first ever character Iā€™ve made, flagship character.


Typ is a being that resides in my fictional universe, along with his 5 other friends (and occasional special guests) that accompany him on his adventures, heā€™s also the seemingly chosen wielder of an unfathomably powerful weapon that he simply calls ā€œthe giga penā€.

Typ also serves as an online avatar for me and is probably the most meme-able due to his simple appearance.

I never have thought about a specific age, but since Typ is intertwined with me, Iā€™d say heā€™s my age.

Heā€™s also around my height, though technically taller due to a physical trait (the ear things on his sides)

His personality is what I want to say mine honestly, though there could be a few differences, such as generally being a little airheaded and often finds himself in trouble by accident due to minor clumsiness.

Now for the appearance. Typ looks like, from his friends, as a hybrid between a kobold and a lagomorph of some kind, though tests show heā€™s not related to either. Absolutely nothing is known about what the hell typ is supposed to be, itā€™s one of the main mysteries in my universe.

Typ has some random trivia facts like for example how he loves tteokboki (like me haha) and edamame beans a lot, but Iā€™m too lazy to list all of it.

Typā€™s giga pencil is pretty mysterious in nature as it arrived via crashing onto the planet like a meteor, it possesses incredible abilities, and could very well be omnipotent. in fact, typ hasnā€™t mastered all of its capabilities yet, and he probably still has a long way to go.

I have a good idea of how some of my characters function so letā€™s give it a go

Corrina Anchor


Age: 18 Years old (formerly 16 but sheā€™s twins with Vega and heā€™s canonically 18 so)

Personality: extremely energetic and bubbly. However, thatā€™s only around people she finds interesting or familiar. Sheā€™s very shy around any other people. She also has poor impulse control and can sometimes not control herself in conversations.

Height: about 5 foot 9 inches.

Some of her Abilities (she has lots of spells):
Wind magic:

Air strike, a drill-shaped blast of wind magic thatā€™s quite fast.

Dual cyclone: two fast beams of wind that strike her target deftly.

Tempest blasts: three arrow shaped wind blasts. Very small, lethally fast.

Snow magic:

Snow shock: a single beam of snow that she likes pulling out on unprepared targets. Slower than air strike, which she uses to her advantage.

Snow strike: dual beams of snow. Slower than snow shock.

Kingā€™s avalanche: a snow explosion spell, in the sphere shape.


  • Corrina has ADHD, which is why she has poor impulse control and extremely high energy.

  • Corrina doesnā€™t wear shoes because when she was growing up, her parents couldnā€™t afford shoes so she had to walk everywhere barefoot - when she says she ā€˜is as light as a featherā€™ (seen in a sojourn to Palo town) thatā€™s just an excuse to not wear shoes since sheā€™s used to running barefoot

  • She is my oldest file was of right now.

Lore (Iā€™ll try to be brief):

Born on August 5th with her brother Vega, Corrina was a very quiet girl growing up. She was really clingy to her mom and dad as she was a child, usually trying to hold hands with one of them as they walked together.
When she was 9, her first traces of wind magic became apparent to her: soft blue gusts manifested around her hands and swirled with a calming coolness.
When she was 12, however, a tragedy struck her family. When they were at Sailorā€™s lodge handling some shipping business (her family was a merchant family), her brother was abducted and taken to a remote location. The kidnappers left no traces of where they went and Corrina was the only one aware of her twinā€™s disappearance.
From there she only grew more lonely; eventually mom and dad died overseas from a cause unbeknownst to her, and she was stuck living on Shell island without any friends or company, and with little clothes to protect her.
Eventually, she ascertains enough galleons to buy her own sailboat and leave shell island, and she explores more of the world. Going to frostmill she helps the people there, and eventually buys better clothing. She then meets Palo town, their first interaction in years.
Now, she lives as an energetic little mage who likes traveling the seas. She eventually learned snow magic, and uses that to the best of her abilities.

Been waiting for one of these.

Now the hard part is trying to figure out what oc to choose.

Think Iā€™ll go with a spooky one


Literally the best drawing I have of him atm sorry.
Fukari is the 3rd devil of the 7 deadly sins and is known as the king of lust. He is also one of the most sadistic, selfish, psychotic, ruthless, merciless, and batshit crazy characters Iā€™ve ever made

His whole gimmick is that heā€™s made up entirely of water, and can control it perfectly. Now when I say perfectly, I mean he can control the size, shape, thickness, and even the temperature of the water. And this is the big part of what makes him so horrifying. Because thereā€™s ABSOLUTELY no limit to how much water he can control, so he can do something like go into the ocean, and effectively BECOME THE OCEAN he can also do some other cool and wacky stuff such as, Drown you to death, cause the ice age, and my favorite, steam an entire fucking city alive until all standing succumbs to the cruel fog

The lore ā€œor story or whateverā€ is that he had a little sister named Malari. Keyword: Had
Malari was a pink skinned, gray haired girl with large yet short eyebrows and considerably larger eyes than fukari.

Oftentimes when they were together, fukari would take any chance he could to abuse Malari. Normally Iā€™d give examples of what types of abuse Malari would suffer, but this is me and I know a single one of my story ideas nowadays would get me smited in seconds. So I will simply move on.

One day, fukaris family would confront him about the ongoing abuse malaris been suffering.

Fukari would respond by, without any mercy whatsoever, eating all of them alive while making Malari watch.

Malari would eventually escape with her friend named marax, a bluish gray skinned boy with pure white hair, but not before suffering the last bit of abuse fukari could deal out.

After some time fukari meets Malari again during the final war to finish her off.

Some time after the war ended fukari is talked to by, and then immediately killed by Isaac the Victorious after testing his patience and refusing to leave the world Isaac was protecting.

He then goes onto do some of the most outlandish shit in the story.

Including putting the fear of god into the embodiment of evil
Manipulating BILLIONS of gods into acting the way he does, causing cosmic turmoil that lasts an unimaginably long time.

All that just for the archangels to turn him into a punching bag LMAO

His personality despite the atrocities he commits is oddly playful and childish, almost as if heā€™s playing a game with everyone he meets. He takes great pleasure in putting people in life or death situations and even towards his ā€œpeersā€ he will often do ā€œfakeoutsā€ on killing them shit like pulling their head off and putting it back on.

However when heā€™s older his personality shifts from playful and childish to Hyperactive and deranged. He often goes after REDACTED and EXPUNGED when he does, he will immediately and violently AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA

His height and weight varies, he can sometimes weigh less than a pound, then go right around to weighing 10x the weight of earth. Same goes for height

He is an extremely dangerous killer and has wiped out billions in several gruesome and horrific ways.

Some of those methods include,
Filling your organs up with water until they burst,
Covering you in smeltering steam until youā€™re reduced to a skeleton.
And submerging you in water before freezing it along with you.

In conclusion, Fukari is what would happen if the ocean was an opp and had the personality of a dolphin.

A nice silly goofster OC I made when the thought of ā€œwhat if the ocean came to lifeā€ occured to me.
I had to remove some stuff because this characters a wittwe too silly to be uncensored on the forums

i wont get into lore since i like to keep things lore heavy within my stories. might think of one character that isnā€™t too bad to reveal (assuming i even had enough time to conceptualize them w/o given away too much)

for age its a bit complicated for a majority of the characters iā€™ve conceptualized in writing. a fair lot of my characters currently, given the majority my writing efforts for the past 5-6 years,
( school and life really does hamper passion a bit huh ;-; )

can only be chucked up to being ageless, sure it fits and makes sense they donā€™t age in the traditional sense, but its mostly due to the fact that theyā€™re so old that itā€™s practically numerically impossible to write out or conceptualize.

but the majority of the characters i plan to ever make will be within the normal ā€˜reasonableā€™ decades to eons.

height varies but usually fit the 147-335cm range with a good amount hitting the 170cm mark (there really isnā€™t any reason to be tall or big half the time given the setting and people usually seek out to be smaller actually)

personality varies like any other human and not so human personalities. from the ever-so-typical nihilistic individuals, neutrality embodied, to happy-go-lucky.

appearances vary widely ranging from being a simple slime to being a planetary or stellar sized being for example.

facts has the same reason as lore.

abilities is kinda straight forward in terms of limitations and the like, itā€™s on the scale of the multiverse afterallā€¦ ;-;

iā€™ll look for a character idm sharing in a bit probably, sure i have a handful somewhere

Hereā€™s a list of my characters with summaries:

  • Mass murderer
  • Mass murderer
  • Mass murderer
  • Mass murderer
  • Murderer
  • Murderer
  • Murderer
  • Murderer
  • Normal person

Hey mines similar except itā€™s a bit like

  • man eating psycho
  • man eating psycho
  • sex crazed maniac
  • man eating psycho
  • Giant curvy goth woman of your dreams
  • a god with the personality of a roblox player
  • actual god
  • man eating psycho
  • a man that wants to be god
  • a psycho that wants to be good
  • an unholy amount of victims
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sounds like a fun bad guy to beat up in a demon slayer type battle