Share me ur song that suits the dark sea

Heres mine:

Now show me urs :+1:


Me trying to not post Dragon Age Inquisition themes for 5 seconds

The dark sea gives me a very eery feel. It’s anomalous and unnatural, and the atmosphere of it sends shivers up your spine


Some parts don’t fit to well, some parts fit TERRIFYING WELL, especially with what i imagine to be deep in the dark sea

Really any frums song fits with the dark sea

It can’t be a CrimsonCreate music post without me trying to spread my touhou propaganda



I would LOVE a theme similar to Caretaker where it begins off odd but the deeper you go the more the odd song is remixed into something else, it just gets more mutated and demented. In the area for tier 5 insanity it’s just white noise as a theme

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this is actually a great idea for something I’m working on


i think dark sea theme should be giygas’s themes from earthbound


That’ll be a 40% royalty thank you very much

For the shallower bits of the dark sea, Scheherazade would be nice.

Although further into it, dark ambience would work rather than music

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i was about to get something from calamity mod :sob:

but yea the abyss themes REALLY fit the dark sea. honestly i would say a lot of calamity tracks would fit in ao

fun fact: one of the ways you can enter the depths in deepwoken is by jumping into a whirlpool, which can appear inside of the voidsea

voidsea, dark sea? they sound pretty similar, but the voidsea is actually eerily uneventful. there’s just no land to be seen
also there’s a giant dragon serpent thing that can annihilate you but we don’t talk about that
the theme doesn’t fit too well considering the extreme weather of the dark sea, but i want to share it anyway. maybe if there’s any calm moments inside of it (which there probably aren’t), it might fit

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The Dark Seas sound like a chilling name to any sailor, and since it was so dangerous I always had a feel that it was a tragic place to be in. You are slowly going insane, your life is at risk and you may never see your loved ones again.

But I will throw in a few encounter/combat themes.

MOTHER fanboy lets gooo

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the deepwoken layer 4 ost fanmade is too calm tbh for dark sea

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