Share your Auction profits 🤑

I wanna see whats good to sell (Decent demand, good profits, easy to get)

Sunken and seasonals are cool, just want to see some of the underrated moneymakers

*ignore the cannonballs they arent important

Out of the non boss/rare items, I’ve found these to sell the best:

  • Ship parts (dark sea or enchanted)
  • Exotic Gems
  • Deckhand upgrade materials (notebooks [most wanted], clearstone, & coal)

So far I’ve found the most success in selling ship parts, not alot of people go out of their way to get sealed chests so you can charge pretty high (you wont sell as often though). I sold all of the warship sails within two days, but I might’ve been able to get more out of them. Exotic gems also sell pretty well, you can sell them for 450-500 and then buy out the ones that are cheaper. I don’t have a merchant, but I’ve seen notebooks go for about 300-600 galleons each

I want to make potions work, but they seem to barely get any sales outside of interchange

best I could get out of what I had (all my acrimonies were wiped, so I couldn’t sell interchanges)

Feel free to drop free money methods for the auction house

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Too lazy to do it so 0

infinite money generation with notebooks and a merchant deckhand. It got me a total of 180k galleons.

Steps to reproduce:

Legendary merchant deckhand
Repeteadly rejoin the game in order to refresh your merchant’s shop until it sells notebooks
Purchase its entire stock
Redock your ship
Fish and repeat

We still don’t know how breaded_butter managed to make infinite treasure charts

i sold 20 whale bubler for 4599 each


Buy golden pearls from players for 1k sell on market for 2k = stonks

Adding this image to that
people will buy notebooks at enormous prices despite merchant deckhands existing.

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  1. i have not used it
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Usually, daily I get 20k.

I only do it if I need galleons though, I’m already rich enough to not do it regularly

And I sell with an extremely extremely fair price. Not even close to expensive but manageable by every single player in this game.