Share your Conjurer armor builds here

I need to see other peoples conjurer builds.
Mine is like 77 power 1.3k hp 50+ attack size and 60 agility

And what do you guys think a conjurer needs most and what is the must have armors and items

no i do not want people to abuse my build

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You can send it to me from discord i just want to know what people did with the armor builds

2/5 defense items, 3/5 power items is what you should go for

or just go for 1 defense item if it gives more than 300 defense(like sunken items)

How much power do you have in your conjurer slot

90 power 1,377 hp

Also many people are saying that attack size is important too but idk if it does increase your weapons attack size or just magic spells

dw abt attack size with conjuror, you already have a ton

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