Shark issues



fr i opened like 30 sealed chest and got no shark hunting equipment

this would be a lot nicer if vetex buffed attachment damage as well as making them actually fucking aggro sharks.

swear I spend 10 minutes trying to aggro sharks, then just jump in the water to kill them myself, then when I swim to get the treasure 7 sharks from nowhere jump me


Shit change, and this is coming from a vetex yesman.

What are you gonna do when you’re facing a megalodon at a diving point with a 50% damage reduction???


There is no reason to reduce the damage you do to sharks. Is Vetex just further dissuading us from diving points???


I think hes trying to make shark hunting more relevant but at the same time the shark hunting mechanics are so dogshit youre better off just not doing it

Looks like a hot fix, too bad Alpha White Eyes aren’t gonna be here after the hotfix ;-;

i think what’s just missing to make sea/treasure charts and shark hunting more worth it rather than ship farming is that they don’t have loot for themselves, if sea charts/whirlpools had sunken chests or whatever it would be nice, and treasure chart having silver/gold chests would be good. problem is we just don’t got enough stuff to make those, especially silver/gold chests

i see your point but shark hunting is just actually broken

half the time sharks dont even aggro, and the sharks are literally too fast so you just have to either grind to fill every attachment slot with weapons or just watch as they eat at your hull because you can only have it in a very specific spot

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explosion speed aura was low key cracked but now it’s gonna be shut in general :sob: i’m boutta switch to ash on my second magic too…

Terrible change and what makes it worse is that I still haven’t found any shark hunting equipment! I’ve opened like 30 sealed chests.
Honestly they should be available in the shipwright shop so that it’s there for people that wanna hunt sharks and sea monsters but if your not into that you don’t have to buy it.


That’s suggestion worthy right there.

Maybe Ravenna and shell island, maybe even sailor’s lodge could sell shark hunting attachments?


honestly my issue with attachments is that they all deal less than 50 damage :skull:

like how tf am I meant to kill this white eyes with a harpoon that does 39 damage??

ram not hard drive

Thanks lol

isn’t ram physical storage

RAM (random access memory) is a computer’s short-term memory, where the data that the processor is currently using is stored. Your computer can access RAM memory much faster than data on a hard disk, SSD, or other long-term storage device, which is why RAM capacity is critical for system performance.

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oh okay

so RAM is a computer’s go-to when it comes to storing temporary data like certain events that happen in AO

think of the clipboard on your pc, the data you copy gets stored in ram

and when I don’t need it the data deletes itself oh ok