Ship Builds and Discussion

Lets talk about good pve and pvp builds for ships for the dark see update.

I made this thread to clear some confusion that I have been having with the ships atm, mostly with how you upgrade the deckhands and how they passively level up. If it helps others all the better.

Deckhand build is hard because you cant really do it due to bounty hunters. But what im most interested in is the ship hull. Current the best one is the bronze one i think but im not sure what enchantment is the best and what some di

From what I have seen Hard scroll increases hp/armor, swift is speed, sturdy is speed when going against the wind. Sturdy goes on sail cloth and the others from what I see go on rams and armor.
Amplified is dmg and can cannons and attached guns like harpoons and swivels.

Power is dmg amplified is something else i think

No wait its cannons not rams my bad. Hard can go on sails material too, Swift makes the ram speed faster for the rams.

Right now the best ship for the Dark Sea is the brig no cap

nah shut up, darksea with rowboat is insane strat

go swimming if you have the balls

100% water breathing and 60% swim speed.

I have been wondering, how do you get the fame fast enough so you are not getting out famed by your deck hands so you can upgrade them?

I really want to know, because having Rookies all the time is annoying, unless I need to hire a low fame deckhand to upgrade them?

The deckhand requirements are proportional to the level of the deckhands, so you have to be very fast to upgrade them before they outfame you. Ideally, you get a rookie with low level to get them to legend. However since it is in legend, it won’t level up because you need to get your fame up 1.25 million to fully max.

is it true that deckhands level up over time?

Like a lvl 66 deckhand will eventually become lvl 125.

Yea ofc, it either goes with time or fame I think? Something like that

It seems to be with fame.

They level up proportional to your fame. A level 80 deckhand wont level unless you are above 800k fame

In the Dark Sea update, I heard people talking about losing items in the dark sea, is this true or is it just the chests?

you only lose galleons and sealed chests if you die

Ok that is good to know. just like if you die in any ship other than a brig, do you get sent to a island when dieing in the dark sea with a brig spawn?

you get sent back to the bronze sea if you die in the darksea even with a brig.