both stats are Percent% based meaning getting anything over 100 is pointless.
It also means deckhands and inchants with other stats will always be more valuable, as you will in a sense waste the given stats if your ships and parts already go up to 100 Resilience or Stability. due to other parts (makes for less build variety)
(What I’m trying to say is that enchantments and deckhands that gives Resilience and Stability scaling later in the game will suck)
(Represents the level of resistance your ship has to rough waves, large waves, and whirlpools)
TOO lazy to read:
Hitting waves and other weather speeds up your ship
(Stability - 109 = “extra” )
1 extra will also let you “ride” waves speeding up your ship (Stability 110)
over 21 extra will let you use Whirlpools to orbit launch (Stability 130)
over 41 extra will let you use large waves/magic waves (Stability 150)
over 61 extra will let you use Tornados (Stability 170)
over 101 extra will let you use magic Tornados/magic Whirlpools to orbit launch (Stability 210)
extra speed scaled by your extra points
hitting a wave:
extra X 2(2.5 for “large”) = bonus speed
(note hitting another wave will SET your bonus speed not ADD )
being in Whirlpools/Tornados (Tornados orbit for longer)
extra X (secs in orbit X 0.2) = bonus speed
per tick, (bonus speed X 0.85) - 3 = new bonus speed
(if you have 200 bonus speed it takes about 15 ticks to get back to 0)
“normal” weather effects won’t damage you if you use them to ride them
dark sea however you still take damage BUT:
you can now use cargo to make “ready” your ship ride for any weather effects without damage
(also if you don’t want the bonus speed simply brace)
Sail Resilience
(Affects how much your ship slows down when sailing against the wind)
TOO lazy to read:
going with the wind speeds you even more
Sail Resilience
over 100 Sail Resilience makes going with the wind speeds you even more