Ship stuck fix

Ship stuck fix
effort 3.555555555555555 9 quality 4.111111111111111 9 reasonability 4.615384615384615 13

I find it weird that this is even allowed to happen in the first place. Like has no builder ever asked themself “how would a ship get out of this when they dock there like it is inteded visual wise”.

Maybe building docks diffrently would be better but reversing could be a good bandaid fix fix for this too.

To people who say “you shouldnt be in that position in the first place”. Firstly everyone has times where u are not as perceptive as usual and that stuff just happens. Secoundly why is it build like this in the first place if u werent atleast visual wise intended to dock a ship there.

and you would need a crew to even do ship reversing.

I’m fairly sure there has always been a suggestion on this…

I’m pretty sure Shell Island and Tiberia have the better designed docks, and they’re a native village and a neglected town respectively.

yes please you have no idea the amount of time i have wasted slowly turning my ship to the left, until it starts glitching from the collision… then turning it all the way to the right, then rinse and repeat in desperate hope that I’ll be able to get out of this prison of a dock with my ship still intact…

here man, i suggested this before i’m sure people talked about it beforehand, it’s crazy how much the image being in sunlight changed peoples opinion, we went more in depth and you can see it’s a widely annoying issue, glad more people understood your take on it:

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This 100% describes the current issue. It must be fixed.

Vetex please

Bright imagery can help with being able to be noticed more easily

we need an arcanium “blaster” on the front of the ship to launch us backwards

Nice reference!

wait i didnt even know that was a thing dawg :sob:

alright we didn’t think of this i don’t think…

It will always need to be said, if a boat game doesn’t have ship reversing.

Vetex has seen this post I’m sure, so it’s only a matter of time.

we can only hope it’s added in some way, maybe there was another way to solve this issue than the ones people went through

Not sure how else this could be fixed other than a redocking change, like if your ship is at a dock you can despawn your ship.

thats not getting added

I really hope Vetex has seen this post and is working on putting it into the game.

Vetex please, implement this.

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