Way to reverse ships ( ? )

Way to reverse ships ( ? ) https://forum.arcaneodyssey.dev/uploads/default/optimized/3X/0/8/08d97c1d418bd079b98290f172b9a16919f68fb4_2_1024x894.jpeg
effort 1.625 8 quality 2.875 8 reasonability 4.2 10

I propose that you can get the captain to command the crew to use large oars ( on boats above rowboat ), to row the boat backwards at like an 1/8th of the ships sailing speed.
Any other way to get the ships backwards is welcome too, maybe a deckhand ability i dunno.


it’d probably be like half of the sailing speed or something like that

There should absolutely be some way for the player to reverse their ship, but why overcomplicate it when the crew could just start rowing backwards lol


honestly all we need is for a ship to be able to despawn

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do you know how ships work!?!?!?

he is never gonna add that :skull:

i know it has something to do with wind and that if the wind is against the sails it’s not gonna go back as fast but would go back a bit atleast

yeah that would help but imagine the pictured situation in dark sea

:skull: that’d be funny but too much to code

Ok so the only way in my understanding to reverse a boat with sails and only sails is to row it backwards, its got nothing to do with an engine

what do you and @opticalcord think happens when there’s strong wind against the sails and not with it?

it slows down? that’s what happens in the game rn

have you never seen a ship irl

this kid is def spoiled

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=q6FgAeJeOUA sorry dude we can’t even tilt ship masts ingame optical you’re jumping to conclusions you guys don’t understand fully how ships work go do research before you speak

there’s no “engine” this game took place like 200 years ago

never happening
now respawning next to you maaaaaaybe? despawning no


(we aren’t)

now on a rowboat the same size you can do this

ty, what about modifiers having some kind of secondary effect, will drowned ever give more air capacity or swimming speed?

ik, i’m thinking with strong wind and waves pushing us back we should go back, i thought about it more and a ship of this size i don’t see how it’s gonna go back that easily