Shitposting Odyssey

Why does Hitler look like that ugly guy from JoJo’s bizzare adventure part 5?


From archrono's PvP server btw

For context, the (was) newly appointed owner of AOSL was also exposed for flirting with a minor. 20 to 17.

Shit happened and the AO Sea League server is now deleted but a new one has been made

this should be different types of sunkens, lost gear, and acrimonies

How hard is it to not flirt with minors!


Why are plunderers in there

were these mfs gonna get testicular cancer if they didnt groom 10 thousand 7 year olds?

An improvement over selectorch I guess

just one more fish…


He then changes pants in private and the entire military mobilizes after him

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The military might turn a blind eye at murder but indecency is too far

<be me
<change eye color at rubica’s tailor shop
<suddenly mortar’d to oblivion while the 3 centurions nearby blast me with ult art ultrahyperdeath magic

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Seriously why can they even aggro on you from clothes anyway

The only reason you wouldn’t have the disguise on at Ravenna is a glitch or lag.

If they were just permanently de-aggroed unless you attacked first it would fix the entire issue

It’s simple, when you change something about your character it needs to reload to immediately show up. First it removes all of the items you were wearing and then it adds them again. The Ravenna disguise gets added too but there is a small frame of time in which you’re not wearing it, which is then used to make the guards aggro

A way to fix this would be to require you to be without the disguise for at least 1,5s within their aggro range for them to actually aggro, but that’s up to Vetex

or he could do the thing above, but you know vetex


“where did he go? did he like tp away or som-“
500! 500! 500!

I can’t take this anymore. I’m so sick of Light magic. I try to play Metal magic. My Light magic deals more dps. I try to play Fire. My Light magic deals more dps. I want to play Crystal magic. Its best synergy is Light. I want to play Lightning, Shadow. They both want Light magic.

My Light savant grabs me by the throat. I fish for her. I cook for her. I give her 224 Attack Speed. She isn’t satisfied. I bought full Sunken Warrior set. “I don’t need this much Defense” She tells me. “Give me more Power.” She grabs the Armour Piercing scrolls and forces me to replace the Armoured enchants on her gears. “You just need to funnel me more. I can deal more damage with 3 Insanity.”

I can’t buy Atlantean Essences, I don’t have enough galleons… Wait a minute, I’ve given her Sunken Warrior, what else does she wan- She grabs my credit card. It declines. “Guess this is the end.” She prepares a 20 beams attack. She says “Light Beams”. There is no hint of sadness in her eyes. Nothing but pure, no icd Blinded application. What a cruel world.