Shitposting Odyssey


would you chug this down or pour it over your body?

pour then chug

Chug then piss

grinding for Sunken Sword be like:

Hope no one thought of this… If so, I’m sorry I didn’t see it ;-;

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The sisyphean effort to farm for sunkens WITHOUT preying on others’ goods through unbalanced trading.

we need something like this but with shovels, treasure charts, and lost armor

I think lost armors gonna be far easier to get (and you get free modifiers too!)

But wait, can lost armor have modifiers? Or is it excluded so blasted lost armor doesn’t instantly become the most valuable item in the game.

It definitely won’t be modifiable (other than atlantean) considering it’s supposed to be on the same level as a sunken

patch notes say it cant be found with modifiers

lost armor won’t have modifiers. Also, while it is true that it will take a shorter amount of time to get when compared to sunkens, it will be harder (charts take time to complete, I’ve only completed 56 and it felt like 400).

context: a friend was reposting the stuff i had made so far (including the vetex sighting at fenrir) so i came up with this

context: my friend was tryna get like 60 luck potions so i kinda js


Sixty luck potions!??!!? I fail to even get a single one of them!

Friend sent me a picture so I had to make a bad meme out of it

exploiters are gone


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Wtf is this from?

duke nukem comic

Wait, that exists?