Shop of Cernunno
selling/trading Greenwish cultist and Cernyx drops
Whats in stock?
Greenwish cultist
Greenwish Cultist Staff:----600 G
Greenwish Cultist Cowl:—400 G
Greenwish Cultist Faulds:-400 G
Greenwish Cultist Robe:—250 G
Greenwish Cultist Boots:–250 G
Archon Quartz Amulet:-----1.500 G (out of stock)
Cernyx’s Faulds:--------------1.500 G
Cernyx’s Sleeveless Robe:-1.500 G
Cernyx’s Boots:---------------1.500 G
MLF: Galleons and fire arcsphere but i can take other offers
you can send offers here but i will resond faster on dicord (Jakob Pakob#2500)