[Short Story] Ravenna Prepares for Keraxe

Prince Revon turned his head as he heard deafening stomps coming from the door to the War Room, and looked up to see the Bronze Hound, Lord Ulricis. Quieter footsteps were following as well, which he assumed was General Julian.

“We have to send a fleet south to the Nimbus Sea at once! That damn privateer must be brought to justice!” Lord Ulricis exclaimed as he slammed the door open.

“Are you mad? What fleet?! Fort Talos collapsed on three frigates and two caravels, and the rebel destroyed a few more ships as they escaped and killed my brother!” Prince Revon shot back, turning his body towards the older man. “I know you must be feeling helpless after your son is nowhere to be seen and your daughter, Carina, was beaten to a pulp, but that is no excuse to be irrational when we should be preparing for the onslaught of Keraxe!”

Ulricis took a heavy step forward, his armour making a menacing clink. “You dare bring up my children? You forget your age, child, and the fact that they were more powerful than you could have ever been.”

Revon stepped forward as well, the two men face to face. “You forget your place, bounty hunter. I am the prince- No, I am the King of Ravenna. Your allegiance is to me. General Julian?”

The glass-curse user stepped into the room, waiting to be called upon. “Yes Prince- I mean, King Revon?”

“Position the Bronze fleet to the south of Tiberia. Relocate the survivors of Fort Talos and get them ready to defend Ravenna. We’ll also need to send a scouting party to Mount Orthys, to see when Keraxe is approaching.”

Julian nodded his head, “Yes, your majesty. Might I suggest we build another fort to the west of Ravenna?”

“I can only grant you half the supplies a normal fort needs, but you have my permission to build Fort Castrum. In the meantime, we need to prepare the Bronze Legion, as well as send search and rescue parties to locate Lord Elius. I trust that the doctors are looking over Carina well?” Revon turned to Ulricis.

“Indeed. She is still in a coma but I have no question that she’ll be up and ready for when Keraxe comes.”

King Revon nodded and took a seat at the head of the table, with Ulricis and Julian quickly sitting at his side. “Very well, all that’s left is to contact the Grand Navy and request support. We’ll be ready for Keraxe.”


Then they found out that Entire Keraxe navy got destroyed by random person(Player)

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And they find a message, saying “focus on the pirateer” -(player name)

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“beaten to a pulp”. I love that line. :laughing:

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