Should a few people get item restores?

Just don’t tell them you lost your items. Then there is no chance for this to affect you

Forget about it, brother. They do not understand our enlightened wisdom.

No, I believe I understand it clearly. Everyone lost their stuff through something out of their control, and you are proposing that they enter a lottery to avoid getting cucked.

More like they’ve already been cucked, and this is a chance to undo that

Isnt there a logical phalaccy exactly like this


idk, you tell me

I didn’t wanna draw comparisons to real life, but since you brought it up, let’s go with your analogy. You’d be saying don’t just neglect the middle class’s homes- neglect everyone’s homes. I don’t see how that’s an improvement


I give up. You win. There is literally no point in trying to argue with someone who cannot comprehend the fricking arguments presented to him that would detract from his overall statement, and I have grown absolutely tired and lost a few braincells as a result.

Good evening. Or day, wherever the frick you are.

This is pretty much the answer for the one side, while lookingforabargain is on the other side.

The only real way to solve this is via a vote

  • Restore items for a couple people via giveaway
  • Dont restore anyone
0 voters

Where is the restore as many people as possible option :fr:

I’m surprised. I didn’t know anybody agreed with me

Just ask for an extension to the luck 3 to be a full week like Vetex promised (even though they promised Luck 2 for a full week).

That’s what I want too. The problem is the argument that it’s either restore no one or restore everyone. That’s what this topic is supposed to address

Would you do that? Going through thousands of people’s requests to restore hundreds of thousands of things? Trying to figure out whether the proof is real or fake? I wouldnt.

I don’t think an ultimatum for restoring either no one or everyone is good.
If you have a sunken weapon equipped that’s physically present on your character and usable you should be able to get it restored

There’s no better proof than you physically having the sunken in your hand

Even then, there might be too many people. Mimhere said only 2 mods would be willing/available to do item restores

curse of vanishing

There’s just simply too many people to restore. What would benefit everyone is Vetex and testers working to make future updates better.



Bio does have a point about the equipped null weapons. But like what motor said, there might still be too many people who has this.

And one thing that needs to be brought up is that another major reason why Vetex and the mod team are unwilling to do restores is also fake screenshots. People can do that, and with the sheer amount of people who lost items, there would def be a lot of people trying to take advantage of the situation.

@lookingforabargain, I get your point of restoring to a few people. Though, comparing it to a giveaway is probs not the best comparison as giveaways are GIFTS, not REFUNDS.

And even if you try to compensate as many people as possible? You imagine how many people would be flooding the mods just for that? And not all of the mods will be even available.

The only best scenario at the end of the day is to prevent this from ever happening again. And maybe they should make the Luck 3 thing last an entire week, if it really only lasts till Tuesday…