Should Deckhands be redone THIS UPDATE?

Should Deckhands be redone this way in the coming updates?
  • Yes
  • No
0 voters

Since the Dark Sea relies heavily on your ship, and Deckhands are for ship upgrades, I vote yes.

tbh this is the most critical moment for deckhand rework, we need good deckhands for the dark sea no matter how much the pvp dwellers try to convince you that “its just slight number changes”


What do you mean that the collective stats of several deckhands can make a massive difference???

deckhands need to be changed now. I absolutely despise this system and i agree that with the darksea we will need them

Deckhand suggestion absolutely needs to come with this update, people are probably gonna want speed but I’m telling you now that those stability buffs from deckhands are gonna take priority over any speed deckhand lol

I’d also like to see perhaps one of the ideas in the works for deckhand recruitment in the update, whatever it may be, I don’t mind whatever it is as long as it doesn’t involve me grinding the ever-loving shit out of rep just for a single deckhand

Like come on :sob:

Prepare to grind npcs 1 million times

I agree, my deckhand setup for my Brig is going to be 2 speed, 2 stability, if not 1 speed, 3 stability.

YES. It has to be in this update. Especially considering the content in said update.

The Dark Sea, basically being this game’s chaos mode or hard mode, would really need the ships with the best stats to survive in it, long enough anyway. But Deckhands GIVE ship stats, meaning they absolutely can give better survival rates in the Dark Sea.

So if you put it into this perspective, Deckhands become ABSOLUTELY NECESSARY for the Dark Sea content. And with the current system, thats a yikes. Like, a big yikes. Making a system dependent on renown, thus pvp, absolutely necessary for the replayability content of the game. Oh my Olympian Gods, you’re asking for all hell to break loose in this game.

It has to be changed in THIS update. Not “it has to be changed at some point”, NO. It has to be in this update, or it won’t bode well considering the playerbase. Seriously.

Of course, Im not saying NOW now, since Vetex usually does these adjustments last, so he’ll probably do it only do it after he’s done the big content, but the Deckhands need to be adjusted and changed in the Dark Sea update. It can’t be after that.

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